Proposed Flag of the Volkstaat
In his article concerning nationalism, Gic discussed the policy of Separate Development that the South African apartheid government practiced, in which the National Party government arranged black homelands for African tribes, let them elect their own government and govern themselves, and used white tax dollars to build them houses, schools, hospitals, and universities. Gic states that these actions from a biblical, Kinist perspective should be considered as obedience to the golden rule in Matthew 7:12, and I agree with him. In fact, every people’s right to their own homeland, culture, existence, and self-determination is in this site’s statement of beliefs. However, what happens when the shoe is on the other foot? What happens when blacks are in power and whites are the ones wanting their own homeland, to govern themselves, and to protect their culture and existence? They are accused of “white supremacy” and targeted for genocide, of course. After 1994 and the end of apartheid, South Africa passed into the hands of the black-run Marxist ANC. The ANC is notorious for its rampant corruption and complete ineffectiveness, which, along with the political disenfranchisement of whites, collapsing economy, and exponentially increasing crime rates – including the systematic and brutal mass murder of white farmers by blacks – has led many Boers to want their own independent homeland, or Volkstaat (“people’s state”). Such desires have been met with derision and accusations of “racism” both by the ANC and by the international media. Even when the Boers set up small Volkstaat-esque townships in Orania, Kleinfontein, and Balmoral, using private land and private funds, they have not been free from slander, threats, and harassment.
American whites should take note. Despite their endless complaints and bellyaching, blacks and other non-Europeans live better in America than anywhere else in the world. Whites in America have been stripped of our freedom of speech, our freedom of association, our jobs, our culture, and our property – all to make blacks and other non-Europeans comfortable. Mass welfare and affirmative action programs have been given to them, and their interests have been placed ahead of those of the founding stock of America. But do not expect gratitude. Do not expect these programs to continue once whites become the minority in several decades. Do not expect a “White History Month” or affirmative action that benefits whites. All the civil rights laws, minority quotas, affirmative action, hate crime laws, and anti-“racial profiling” will disappear or merely not apply to Europeans, as they do today. For a foretaste, look at how Obama handled the Black Panther voter intimidation case in Philadelphia in the 2008 elections. The U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, a black man, just this week responded to continued outrage at his decision to drop the case by stating, “When you compare what people endured in the South in the 60s to try to get the right to vote for African Americans, and to compare what people were subjected to there to what happened in Philadelphia – which was inappropriate, certainly that . . . to describe it in those terms I think does a great disservice to people who put their lives on the line, who risked all, for my people.”1 In other words, whites shouldn’t be given justice because they haven’t suffered enough, and laws don’t protect whites because of perceived past wrongs by their ancestors.
European-Americans who think that they can simply coast into minority status feeling safe that the rule of law and their support of “civil rights” will protect them, and that the non-Europeans coming into power will reciprocate their kindness, are making a deadly mistake and should take a lesson from the South Africa.
- http://www.politico.com/blogs/joshgerstein/0311/Eric_Holder_Black_Panther_case_focus_demeans_my_people.html ↩
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