Pope Pius XI’s Encyclical on Race and Nazism
Mit Brennender Sorge, translated as With Burning Concern, is a 1937 encyclical published by the Italian Pope Pius XI. Published in German, the pope expresses his concerns regarding the policies[…]
Occidental Christianity for preserving Western Culture and People
Mit Brennender Sorge, translated as With Burning Concern, is a 1937 encyclical published by the Italian Pope Pius XI. Published in German, the pope expresses his concerns regarding the policies[…]
In a previous piece I noted how resistance against tyranny is a demand of the counter-revolutionary worldview. I argued that the use of political violence was not intrinsically at odds[…]
A recent poll in the United States found that, despite nearly every evangelical leader’s race-pandering and propaganda for diversity, even today a majority (52%) of white evangelicals in the U.S.[…]
It’s not uncommon for to hear white people refer to themselves as “mutts.” This reference to mixed-bred dogs is intended to convey that these white people consider themselves mixed to[…]
In response to events like MLK50 and T4G and the increasing preoccupation of the churches with “social justice” and “woke theology,” a group out of Dallas purporting to represent a[…]
What is Christian brotherhood if it is not mutual allegiance, love, and practical aid? In Romans 14:19 St. Paul tells us that we are to overlook our differences of opinion in[…]
In part 1, we saw that dispensationalism entails that God wants the nation of Israel (and, by extension, other peoples and cultures) to remain a distinct race with a distinct[…]
Dispensationalism has a bad reputation among red-pilled Christian. This is understandable, of course, because many dispensationalists believe that Christians ought to support the nation of Israel. Also, as Davis Carlton[…]
We’ve grown accustomed to every liberal social cause being labelled a “gospel imperative” by the evangelical establishment. Evangelical leaders like Russell Moore believe that everything from international hunger, to unmitigated[…]
If white members of the Southern Baptist Convention (of which I am a member) are not already aware of what is happening with the convention at the national level, it[…]
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Faith and Heritage is a webzine presenting the views of Occidental Christians who are determined to preserve both Western Civilization and Western Peoples.
Remember the days of old; consider the years of many generations; ask your father, and he will show you, your elders, and they will tell you. When the Most High gave to the nations their inheritance, when he divided mankind, he fixed the borders of the peoples according to the number of the sons of God. - Deuteronomy 32:7-8