The Coat of Arms of the Serbian Orthodox Church
Nationalist Serbian Christians made headlines this month as 166 leading intellectuals signed and delivered a petition to government demanding the teaching of the Christian doctrine of creationism in Serbian schools. The signatures included those of Serbian Orthodox priests, doctors, politicians, and professors, some of whom are members of the Serbian Academy of Sciences.
Experts place this rise of theological conservatism in relation to the revival of nationalistic and anti-globalist sentiments in the region.
Belgrade University professor Ljiljana Colic called the monopoly of Darwinistic theory in schools “an offense to all believers, not just Orthodox [Christians].”
This development, like the work of Johan Huibers, the Dutch creationist, is a further slap in the face to those modernist scientists who like to degrade creationism as an exclusively American-fundamentalist phenomenon. Recently, Polish schools also started using a creationism-friendly textbook written by a Roman Catholic scientist, Maciej Giertych.
The counterrevolution is gaining more and more strength by the day in Eastern Europe. The soldiers in the front lines in nations like Serbia now need all the support and prayer that we can provide them. May God grant them strength unto perseverance in this important battle.
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