There is an often-used phrase that people often quote that goes like this: “Hope for the best and prepare for the worst.” While this is not an explicit Biblical Proverb, it definitely is a wise human proverb. While it implies that it would be a good thing to have most things go the way we hope and expect, it acknowledges that most of the time things do not go smoothly and oftentimes things go very badly, causing either major or minor destruction in our lives.
Many a Christian, even those who claim no Calvinistic doctrine of any sort, carry a type of practical hyper-Calvinism, displayed in their actions. You could call it fatalism if you would. They don’t plan for the future. Even if they have rejected the Tim Lahaye, Left Behind, rapture, end-times falsehood, many times American Christians embrace the spirit of that very doctrine in the way they approach life. There is little preparation for the future. They live and die with the attitude of their abominable generation, a generation that only cares about the here and now, a generation that does not care about heritage and future generations.
That being said, it is not enough to simply nod our heads in agreement; we need to both confess our need to prepare and take practical steps in fulfilling our goals and visions for the future. Certainly the first thing to be done is to plan in our minds and/or on paper (or computer). When we have a vision of what we want the future to be like, how can we know what we should do? Well, look around you. What areas do you see around you that are lacking Christian influence?
A wise man from whom I’ve learned in the past once instructed his students in this way; “If you see a need, don’t ask God what you should be doing; take action and fulfill that need.” So if you see someone who is hungry and you have the means to fulfill his need, then feed him. That is what God has called you to do. The principle he was stating is from the passage in James 2:15-16: “If a brother or sister be naked, and destitute of daily food, And one of you say unto them, Depart in peace, be ye warmed and filled; notwithstanding ye give them not those things which are needful to the body; what doth it profit?” The short-sighted Bible reader overlooks the larger implications of this passage, just as he does in other important areas of scripture. This scripture speaks of daily small-scale works that can be done, but we can extend that into larger spheres of life. You are responsible for, and as Jesus said, you will do much greater things (John 14:12).
Perhaps you have been blessed by God to be in a position where you are filling a very large and needed area in society today. If you have, then blessings to you. But many Christians are not fortunate enough to be in this situation. They may have had a poor upbringing in public schools, without a solid foundation in the truth. If you are among this majority group, take courage, because you still have a vital role to play in your generation. I am speaking mainly to those of you who have children of your own or will have children in the future. You can be one to raise up many godly children to fill some much-needed holes in our society.
I do a lot of complaining about what is lacking in society today. I am a thinker and frequently am thinking of ways to better improve a situation. Most of the time, my ideas are spurred out of frustration. I sit there sifting through “Christian” books and other reading material for my children and am not satisfied with what we have. And I say to myself, “Man, there are no really good Christian children’s books out there.” They are all about topics that are either unnecessary or overemphasized in society. Where are all the good books for my children to read? This is an example of a need that I am speaking about. I am often thinking about writing some children’s books myself to fill this need.
Discern what your children’s talents are, and push them toward trades and jobs that employ those talents. They will not only excel because it is their strength, but they will find great satisfaction knowing they are contributing to the furtherance of God’s kingdom. Ponder the direction of our nation and world. Consider and deeply contemplate what needs may arise in the near or distant future.
It seems as if our nation is heading toward government takeover and control of every area of our life. We have “food safety” bills that are being pushed in Congress such as “The Food Safety Modernization Act” S510. We have pretty much a complete monopoly on health care by government-approved doctors, nurses, and hospitals. The Elites want us to be completely ignorant of medical knowledge so only they, the “licensed professionals,” can provide health care. This way you and I can be dependent on them. This cannot and will not happen if the Church plans against it.
With the above situations arising in our times, we would do well to make sure we raise up some of our children to take on certain tasks. We definitely need to establish ourselves a few good doctors, real doctors who know real medicine. Someone that people can go to to avoid the monopoly and government-controlled doctors — those very wicked ones who would turn you in to the evil child protection services just because your child got hurt playing with their siblings (accusing you of abuse). One day in the coming years it may well be illegal to refuse a “medical professional’s advice” on everything. It already is illegal in many ways. If your child comes down with some kind of disease such as cancer, you are all but required to give him chemotherapy or risk losing your child and/or going to jail. There ought and must be those who are knowledgeable in these areas of life who can treat certain illnesses so they can do what is really best for their children.
The above is just one example. You should think of other areas of need. How about law? You can raise your child to be an expert on law even without sending him away to law school. There are other ways to learn. Organizations like Home School Legal Defense and Vision Forum Ministries often have online learning sessions in these areas of education. I have seen Vision Forum Ministries offer online instruction classes in law. These are wonderful opportunities, especially if you have an older child at home. Your son could be a law expert who could be very helpful to his Church group or community, seeing that the government essentially has a monopoly in the area of law as well.
I’ve thought about the future of my children and what they can do to impact society for a while now. My initial plan goes something like this (although it’s not written in stone; I’m just throwing out idea). One of my sons will be a doctor, another a lawyer, another an auto mechanic (the small shops are almost becoming non-existent), another an art designer of some type (drawing or making the animation for good, solid Christian entertainment), and so on and so forth. My daughter will learn the skill of midwifery (another much needed area that is threatened by government monopoly: birth). Cover different areas of need in our society yourselves. What do you see lacking? What needs to foresee will have to be filled? It is time for us to be prepared and take our role of dominion for Christ seriously.
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