Or, Why You Should Never Talk to Cops
As America solidifies its status as a police state, the American “justice” system is increasingly targeting, not what the average person would consider a “criminal,” but opponents of the establishment and innocent people who are simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. This is easy for the tyrants to do since the American “justice” system and law codes are so massive, vague, and incomprehensible that the average American commits an average of three felonies a day, usually without even realizing it.1 Since we are all “criminals” now – and if you’re reading this site, then you’re probably an opponent of the establishment too – it is very important that you never, ever, ever, ever talk to the police without having a lawyer present with you. Thankfully, the Founding Fathers gave us the fifth amendment, which clearly states that all Americans have the right to remain silent when questioned by the police. “No person… shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself.”2 For more info on why it is imperative that you exercise this right, please watch the following lecture by a law professor and then a response by a police officer; it’s vastly more entertaining than it sounds, trust me, and it just could save you jail time, so watch it:
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