Immediately following the release of two snippets of film footage – the police killing Philando Castile and Alton Sterling (both Black) – that tatted teller of tall tales, Joel McDurmon leapt into action, citing ‘racism’, ‘institutional racism’, and even, believe it or not, ‘subconscious racism’, ostensibly taking in the whole trademarked bailiwick of ‘White privilege’. Yes, he waxes prophetic from the mountain top:
It is a working thesis of mine that we still have a major problem with racism in this nation…
Golly, Joel, what a brave and novel thesis!
C’mon, this is nothing but the same narrative blasting in surround sound from the legions of Marxist professors, #BlackLivesMatter terrorists, George Soros-funded astroturf, addle-brained campus commissars, and self-loathing Cutters everywhere.
But Joel even acknowledges this universally-held premise of the Humanist Left is opposed foremost by one doggedly unprogressive margin of society – conservative Christians:
[S]ince conservatives (and especially Christians) perpetually refuse to address the problems of race and power with both empathetic and biblical solutions, leftists continue to gain power through Marxist, class-warfare-type tactics in regard to race.
If I had not read it with my own eyes I wouldn’t have believed it. McDurmon just defined the argument that by not conceding to the Leftist worldview Christians are allowing the Left to win!
Let me repeat that: the new leadership of American Vision, and a putative torchbearer of conservative Christianity, concludes that the only way to beat the Marxists is join them. Er, em, WHAT?!
McD’s position on this is nothing less than hoisting the white flag in the culture war, declaring surrender of both the church and society to the enemy. And he has the temerity to call that ‘victory.’
What’s more, he predicates this surrender on transparently false data. The statistics show police are far more willing to shoot Whites than Blacks. Yes, Whites are shot and killed by police not just in total numbers more frequently than Blacks are, but by percentage also! The average White guy pulled over by police is more likely to be shot than the average Black under the same circumstance. And those officers surveyed about why this might be give a unanimous answer – that firing on a White suspect comes with little to no risk while firing on a Black even under the most justifiable circumstances can result in city-wide or even country-wide riots, end one’s career in law enforcement, land him in jail, or even force his family into a ‘witness protection’ sort of circumstance where they have to hide for the rest of their lives in fear of retaliation from the poor “oppressed” Blacks.
The fact that it is a matter of policy now that police do target practice with cut-outs of White men, White kids, pregnant White women, and White grandmothers could also have something to do with it.
The ‘systematic racism’ and ‘institutional racism’ McD invokes are Orwellian-speak for an unquantifiable and elusive quality which always somehow evaporates as soon as anyone turns to look at it directly. The only constant in it is that it always exists around Black people when they rob, rape, assault, or kill people.
While McDurmon is preoccupied with the invisible ‘systematic racism’ oppressing Black folk, this is a common sentiment among Blacks in regard to Whites:
Even high-profile Black celebrities feel at liberty to call for White women to be gang-raped by Black men! And homilies by high-profile Blacks calling for the extermination of the White race are remarkable only for their pedestrian regularity.
There is absolutely nothing remotely approaching an equivalent to this on the part of White people in this country. What’s more, there never has been. Even under the sternest dealings of Whites with Blacks historically, the outermost extremity of thought never surpassed domestic bonditure, segregation, or repatriation to Africa. Whether we’re speaking of the Rev. James Henley Thornwell, or David Duke, no one on the Right has advocated the rape, murder, or physical harm of any sort to come against innocent Blacks, or any other race. As a rule, not even the dreaded Ku Kluxxers have taken a position so radical as is the norm among Blacks in regard to Whites. And whenever an exception to this on the Right pops up – I can only think of one: Hal Turner – he turns out to be a COINTELPRO agent provocateur.
Don’t mistake our meaning here: we aren’t saying that because Blacks are uniformly hostile toward Whites in history and the present that it validates injustices against them. No, that is not the argument. The argument is that while SJWs are in a frenzy to ferret out ‘micro-aggressions’ and ‘invisible racism’ against Blacks, you all turn a blind eye to the one-sided war of extermination being waged by them against Whites.
This disparity of sentiment between White and Black with regard to the genocide is not merely theoretical or a matter of emotive bluster on social media; no, as everyone from R. L. Dabney to Anthony Jacob has noted, everywhere that White men have maintained control of a land inhabited by Blacks, those Blacks have, under conditions of historical Christian law, been kept in some degree of restrained or segregated social status, but in every country where Blacks have gained sway over Whites, they have genocided the Whites out of existence. Be it Haiti, the Belgian Congo, Rhodesia, etc., annihilation of Whites proves to be the default remedy for racial distinction in the minds of Blacks. And that process of extermination is visible to all the world in South Africa presently.
Frankly, it isn’t an exotic phenomenon relegated to far-flung countries, either. It has been recapitulated again and again in all American metro areas across the United States. Once Blacks move into an area, the violence and rapine against Whites reaches quickly builds to an unbearable level and the Whites flee for their lives and those of their children. Any other ethnic group running from ethnic violence and predation are deemed “refugees” and are, carte blanche, presumed innocent victims, but in the case of Whites, the phenomenon is disparaged as ‘White Flight,’ a term of odium which actually ascribes malicious motives to the victims of the genocide – outrageous as that is.
Sure, as Theonomists we all want to see the elimination of the Police State, but the elephant in the room is that the entire transformation from Mayberry’s Officer Friendly to the militarized Warrior Cop has been predicated every step of the way on the phenomenon of Black (and to a lesser extent Brown) crime. This matter is not remote from us: I live in an almost all-White town of tens of thousands of people, and we have no police force at all. Because we don’t need one, as there is no crime to speak of at all. Which is to say, I live in a place where the color line is ostensibly still in effect, but any locale with any significant concentration of Blacks proves an extremely violent place. The police forces in American cities will never be demilitarized until the color line is restored. In other news, the sky is blue and water is wet.
In light of their hard leftward swing, the name of their organization – American Vision – takes on an increasing irony: identifying Alienism as the ‘American Vision’ is exactly the opposite view posited in the Declaration of Independence where Americans counted “deafness to consanguinity” – especially under the circumstance of assault by a race of “savages” – as treason. No, all those faithful Scots-Irish Presbyterians, Anglo-Saxon Puritans, and Dutch Calvinists who mounted their defense of “ourselves and our posterity,” (preamble to the Const.) the “free white persons of good character” in America would count McDurmon and his merry band as deracine traitors to the nation and to the Kingdom of Jesus Christ.
With the arguments he lately levels, McDurmon secures his legacy alongside the lofty personae of AIDS Skrillex, Carl the Cuck, and TrigglyPuff. He’s stumping for the Obama Youth Corps. He is professing allegiance to the social view of Saul Alinsky. Literally.
And he has the gall to say that concession to the anti-Christ worldview is the Christian perspective and duty is much the same way McDonald’s peddles GMOs and industrial waste under the euphemism, ‘food’. He’s a clown, in any event.
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