The Center for Medical Progress (David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt) has released another of its undercover videos revealing what really goes on at Planned Parenthood. On this one, Dr. DeShawn Taylor, abortionist and former medical director for Planned Parenthood Arizona, implies that babies born alive after abortions are deliberately left to die.
As you can see, DeShawn Taylor is black. And you may remember that Kermit Gosnell, the most infamous and sadistic baby-killer in American history, is also black.
Yet to hear evangelical preachers tell it, abortion is a racist plot against black babies by evil white people. There are lots of examples, including Al Mohler, but John Piper has been the loudest voice in promulgating this viciously anti-white lie.
In the name of Jesus Christ and rooted in the gospel of his death and resurrection for sinners (including abortionists and pastors), my aim is to stigmatize abortion by associating it with racism. I would like you to link abortion and race the same way you link lynching and race. . . .
Between 1882 and 1968, 3,446 Black people were lynched in America. Today more Black babies are killed by white abortionists every three days than all who were lynched in those years. . . .
Every day 1,300 black babies are killed in America. Seven hundred Hispanic babies die every day from abortion. Call this what you will — when the slaughter has a minority’s face and the percentages are double that of the white community and the killers are almost all white, something is going on here that ought to make the lovers of racial equality and racial harmony wake up. . . .
Oh that the murderous effect of abortion in the Black and Latino communities, destroying tens of thousands at the hands of white abortionists, would explode with the same reprehensible reputation as lynching. May the Lord raise up from the African-American churches and the Hispanic-American churches a passion to seize the moral high ground against the slaughter of the little ones. Such leadership would sweep the field, and the white pro-choice establishment would fall before it.
John Piper tells lies. Vicious, hateful lies, claiming that it’s “white people” murdering black and brown babies in abortion clinics. Are some abortionists white? Yes, they are. But, as we can clearly see from DeShawn Taylor and Kermit Gosnell, there are plenty of abortionists who are black. There are abortionists of every race.
And if John Piper wants to make abortion a racial/ethnic issue, fine. But half-measures won’t do. Don’t use the vague term “whites” when talking about exactly which group is performing all these abortions. Let’s get down to details, John. And the details are that those “whites” are overwhelmingly from one ethnic group, Jews, many of whom would angrily deny that they’re “white.” Jewish ob-gyns are 40 times more likely to perform abortions than evangelical Protestant doctors:
A survey of 1,800 practicing ob-gyns found that while 97 percent of them have encountered a woman seeking an abortion, only 14 percent are willing or able to provide them.
Perhaps relatedly, Jewish doctors are by far the likeliest to perform abortions:40.2 percent of Jewish doctors say yes, compared with
1.2 percent of Evangelical Protestants
9 percent of Roman Catholics or Eastern Orthodox
10.1 percent of Non-Evangelical Protestants
20 percent of Hindus
26.5 percent of doctors who said they had no religious affiliation
So DeShawn Taylor, who jokes about letting babies born alive die in a trash can, is black.
And Kermit Gosnell, the Butcher of Philadelphia, is black.
And Jewish ob-gyns are 4 times more likely to perform abortions than Catholic or mainstream Protestant ob-gyns, and about 40 times more likely than evangelical Protestant ob-gyns.
Yet John Piper always blames “white abortionists”, and only “white abortionists”, when he rails against abortion.
Why is that?
It’s because John Piper isn’t preaching or practicing traditional, historic Christianity. His religion is a weird mixture of two opposites – the form is traditional, historic Christianity, but the substance is black liberation theology. And black liberation theology requires its adherents to hate white people.
So, because Piper’s religion doesn’t allow him to blame the Jewish abortionists, or the black abortionists, or the black women who pay someone to kill half their babies in the womb, Piper has to come up with some way of blaming this on evil white racism. So he ignores the facts about who is performing so many of these abortions, along with the facts that it’s black women who are hiring them to kill black babies, and simply lies and blames it all on “white abortionists.”
But don’t be fooled. John Piper’s “Christianity” is nothing like the real thing, the historic, traditional Christianity that made America the greatest nation in the history of the world.
His black liberation Christianity is destroying America.
Lying frauds like John Piper are one of the main reasons so many good Christian people have no interest in church anymore.
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