You’ve probably heard about Rod Dreher’s new book, The Benedict Option, which came out a couple weeks ago, and is selling like hotcakes. It’s getting one review after another from important Christian thinkers.
Plus, Anthony B. Bradley, Ph.D also “reviewed” it. Bradley is black, and has been a racial reconciliation promoter for over ten years. On his Facebook page, he made it clear he didn’t think much of The Benedict Option. Turns out (in Bradley’s opinion) the book is just a scam; this whole Benedict Option thing is just a ginned-up gimmick to trick stupid white Christians into plucking down their hard-earned money for a useless book about a topic that doesn’t even appear in the Bible.
And, oh yeah, it’s racist. Big surprise there, huh?
Now, in case you don’t know much about Rod Dreher, it’s important to know that he’s one of the sorriest cucks out there, and he’s constantly denouncing racism, and has been doing so for years. Check out this article he wrote, When ISIS Ran the American South. ISIS? What an insane SJW drama queen. But that article is typical Dreher. Cucks don’t get much more anti-racist than Rod Dreher.
So, naturally, he took offense at being called a racist, and he didn’t think much of Dr. Bradley’s “analysis” of his book. He responded to him in this article, talking about how shoddy Bradley’s criticisms are, and whining about Bradley calling him a racist. He was very sarcastic, making it clear he didn’t think much of Bradley’s intellect – every time he referred to him he called him “Anthony B. Bradley, PhD”, like this:
One gathers that Anthony B. Bradley, PhD, is not accustomed to knowing what he’s talking about before he speaks.
And he called him “Anthony B. Bradley, PhD”, over and over.
Well, that’s when things got ugly. Anthony Bradley, as a black racial reconciliation promoter, expects white boys to know their place, and doesn’t like it when they get uppity and start backtalking their betters. He replied on Twitter (since deleted):
In reply to Rod Dreher
Anthony Bradley @drantbradley 6h6 hours ago
.@roddreher “One gathers that Anthony B. Bradley, PhD, is not accustomed to knowing what he’s talking about before he speaks.” #Nigger
Anthony Bradley @drantbradley 7h
If you read my comments about the PCA, pay close attention to @roddreher ad hominem(s). He forgot to call me “nigger.” #NextTime
Anthony Bradley @drantbradley 7h7 hours ago
Yes, I would much rather Rod Dreher just called me a “dumb nigger” than attempt to mock my earned “PhD.” Unreal.
He and Dreher went back and forth on Twitter for a while, Dreher insisting he’s not a racist and criticizing Bradley for playing the race card, while Bradley just kept calling him a racist who would love to use racial slurs but doesn’t want to ruin his image.
Bradley went on to accuse Dreher of attempting to “pimp out the Trinity and the Gospel to facilitate the putrid idolatry of American conservative Christian nationalism.”
Dreher soon surrendered. In true cowardly cuck fashion, he went back to his original post that contained the criticisms of Bradley and edited all the Bradley stuff out. Check the link above – it’s all gone.
After a few days, Bradley took down his Tweets accusing Dreher of wanting to call him “nigger.” I’m assuming he was asked or told to do this by some higher-ups at Kings College in New York City, where he’s a professor. It doesn’t speak well of a college, especially a Christian college, when one of their professors responds to criticism by essentially accusing his critic of being a closet KKK member.
But make no mistake – Anthony Bradley won this battle, in a decisive knockout. None of his Christian fans were outraged when he started accusing Dreher of wanting to call him “nigger,” and many of them came to his defense on Twitter. And Bradley’s original negative review of the book is still online, but Dreher has removed his reply to it. Dreher lost his head due to anger, and said some intemperate things, but quickly came to his senses and took down all his criticisms of Bradley. Because a white cuck doesn’t criticize a black man. It just isn’t done.
This is what it sounds like when the cucks cry!
But Christians and conservatives shouldn’t miss the bigger lesson in all this. It turns out that no matter how much you hate racism, or how long you’ve been denouncing it, or how fervently, as soon as you have a serious disagreement with a black, you’re just another horrible racist. You’re a Nazi, a Kluxxer; you hate black people and would bring Jim Crow back tomorrow if you could get away with it.
Preach anti-racism hard, for well over a decade, but as soon as you respond to an idiotic review of your book by a black person you’re just as bad as those guys who killed Emmett Till.
So quit playing the anti-racism game, white folks.
Because the people you’re sucking up to still hate you, and will always hate you.
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