The dividing lines have been drawn. On the one side are the churches willing to sell out white people to a Jewish globalist regime dedicated to crushing what remains of Christendom. These wolves in shepherds’ clothing will get their thirty shekels of silver, sell out their own people, and still end up hanging from the white genocide tree. Blessing the act of miscegenation will not make them any less white, or any less racist, in the eyes of their anti-white beholders.
On the other side are we dissident faithful who adhere to Christ and the way of life He, the apostles and prophets, and our forefathers preached for millennia. We stand with faces towards the future in opposition to the anti-whites who want to drag us into the superstitious, self-contradicting, Third-World past. We believe that there is such a thing as logic, truth, and righteousness. For merely defending the old truths we are castigated as the scum of the earth by the leadership of every major denomination in Christendom.
The plain teachings of Scripture, the traditions of our fathers, and the light of reason show that we, not they, are the confessors of the orthodox, catholic, evangelical faith. They are the heretics.
So let’s be done with it. Protestant, Papist, and Orthodox alike have issued their bulls against us. Let us treat their decrees with the contempt they deserve, as did our ancestors before us in the days of the great Reformation.
We believe in one God, the Father Almighty, Who designed and preserves the races of man, distinct and separate, for our benefit and His glory.
We believe that God made man, male and female, distinct in their minds, bodies, and souls, and that their persons, duties, and rights are not interchangeable.
We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son of the Father, through faith in Whom alone all men may be saved and made members of His Body the Church in their distinct social stations, without abolishing those distinctions.
We believe in the Holy Spirit, the giver of life, Who calls every ethnic group to repentance and faith in Christ, and therefore gives every race, nation, tribe, and tongue the right to exist as a distinct body, forever.
We believe in one holy, catholic, and apostolic Church, which is composed of men from every nation, and therefore has no power to punish them for loving their families, nations, tongues, and races above those of others.
In other words, we say to the wayward leaders of our fathers’ churches that they are wrong to impose false, collective guilt on innocent people. They are wrong to harm a people group through false guilt, through shaming, through destroying its history, and through outlawing its culture. They are wrong to impede and oppose that people group’s continued existence as itself, free and independent from the manipulation or oppression of others.
White Christians have the God-given right to live as White Christians, forever.
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