Welcome to the launch of the Faith and Heritage website. It is most appropriate that the launch of a site dedicated to the defense and restoration of Western Civilization should take place on the 204th birthday of Robert E. Lee; the type of Christian gentleman, honorable warrior, and dedicated patriot that our civilization used to routinely produce and hopefully will one day produce again. The site you see before you is the product of several months of hard work by almost two dozen people; from the website designer to the staff of writers to the editors. We are all very excited about the result and that you are reading this. It is our fervent prayer that God will use this site to bless you and His People as a whole.
Faith and Heritage is a webzine (online magazine). F&H will discuss a wide range of topics, from politics to culture, religion to cooking, family issues to movie reviews. The unifying theme of the site is that all these topics will be discussed from a traditional Biblical Christian perspective. Please see the About page for a statement of our beliefs. Articles will be posted somewhere between daily and once every three days, while the blog will be updated daily. So please be sure to bookmark both the main page and the blog and check back often to enjoy the fresh content. Also, be sure to “like” our fan page on Facebook.After a general survey of this site it will be seen that we spend a lot of time discussing race, even though we do not discuss it exclusively. Some people, perhaps without even disagreeing with anything we say, may wonder why we feel the need to harp on race so much. They may ask why we feel the need to repeatedly bring up a subject that many feel is divisive and uncomfortable. To answer this, I turn to the words of the great Reformer of the Church, Martin Luther:
Neither is it of any help if someone would say, “I will gladly confess Christ and His Word in every other article, except that I may keep silence about one or two that my tyrants may not tolerate, such as both species in the Sacrament and the like.” For whoever denies Christ in one article or word has denied the same Christ in that one article who would be denied by [denying] all the articles, since there is only one Christ in all His words, taken all together or singly. 1
19th Century novelist Elizabeth Rundle Charles paraphrased the above sentiment in her book about Luther thusly:
If I profess with the loudest voice and clearest exposition every portion of the truth of God except precisely that little point which the world and the devil are at that moment attacking, I am not confessing Christ, however boldly I may be professing Christ. Wherever the battle rages, there the loyalty of the solder is proved and to be steady on all the battlefield besides is mere flight and disgrace if he flinches at that one point. 2
One of the main points (if not the main point) which is currently being assaulted by Satan and the world, and which Christians have failed to uphold, is the traditional and Biblical view of ethnicity and race. Unfortunately the church has almost monolithically rejected the Biblical view of race in favor of the ungodly, anti-Biblical, Cultural Marxist view of race. There are many very good websites who address different issues from a Biblical perspective, like God’s Sovereignty, Missions, Scripture, and others; but unfortunately, there are very, very few who are willing to address race from a Biblical perspective rather than a Marxist one. Faith and Heritage’s mission is to help fill this void.
The currently prevailing racial views of the church would be universally held as not only heretical but insane by the vast majority of Christians prior to 1950. The traditional Christian view has always been one of expanding concentric circles of duty and fidelity, with God in the center, then immediate family, extended family, tribe/clan, ethnicity/nation, race, and only then humanity as a whole. Though we are always obligated to love our neighbor and our enemy, we nonetheless have greater obligations to those who are more closely related to us, as 1 Timothy 5:8 signifies. This view will be referred to on F&H as Kinism, the duty and fidelity to one’s own Kin first and foremost (in obedience to the 5th Commandment). The Marxist view held by the church today is one of egalitarianism, the belief in a uniform and absolutely equal world in which the duty and fidelity one has to another human is the same as to any other. This view will be referred to on F&H as Alienism, the belief that the Alien or the Stranger is interchangeable with one’s own Kin (in rebellion to the 5th Commandment).
Objectivity and neutrality are myths; everyone has an agenda whether they admit it or not. I will be upfront about my and F&H’s agenda. I am of European descent. The writers here are of European descent. We believe that we have Providentially been placed in our particular race and it is therefore our Christian duty to seek the best for our people. Our people are currently under assault from a myriad of directions. We seek to be an advocate for the European Peoples, particularly in America, but also in Europe, in South Africa, in Canada, or wherever they may be. The articles posted here will be by Europeans and for Europeans; and we make no apologies for that.
That being said, everything posted here will be based on Scriptural principles which are universally applicable. So while the articles posted here will be applying those principles to the current Europeans’ situation, particularly those in America, their universal basis means that there will be something in them for Christians of any race. I estimate that up to 90% of most articles can be edifying to Blacks, Chinese, Mexicans, or members of any other people group who is seeking a Biblical worldview and to better their own race.
Some people may look at the massive inroads Marxism has made into the modern church and feel despair. But the situation we now face is not dissimilar to situations God’s People have faced in the past. In 1 Kings 16:29-22:40, we read of King Ahab’s reign in Israel. It was a time where God’s People had rejected Him to worship false gods. The gods they worshiped then were pagan gods like Baal rather than the false gods of Multiculturalism, Equality, Diversity, and Marxism that are worshiped today, but it makes them no less false.
Chapter 19 recounts how, in despair, the prophet Elijah tells God that he is the only one left who still worships Him. God replies that there are still 7,000 Israelites who have not bent the knee to Baal. In Paul’s account of this story in Romans 11, he attributes this remnant to God’s grace and mercy. At F&H we believe that God is still merciful and gracious today and that while the Priests of Marxism are everywhere, in the government, in the media, in the corporations, in the schools, and even in the pulpits, there is still a remnant who have not bent the knee to Marxism, who still hold fast to the faith and traditions of their forefathers and want to retake America and return it to Godliness and their People’s possession. Further, we believe that this remnant is much much larger than the 7,000 of Elijah’s day. This website is for them.
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