Most of the debate in America over immigration is over illegal immigration. However, legal immigration and foreign worker visas are just as destructive to America and Americans as the streams of illegal invaders crossing our Southern border. The American Third Position Party posted an article pointing out a facet of this yesterday. The U.S. loses $1.5 trillion per year in money towards social programs due to greedy corporations hiring foreign workers over Americans in order to increase their bottomline via cheap labor. Note that this is not a defense of those programs: those programs would still be broken and unconstitutional without the foreign workers. Nonetheless, those programs do exist, and the federal government is having to tax Americans more and go deeper into debt than it would have to if Americans held those jobs and were contributing to the pot. And all this does not even address issues like the fact that many of the Americans who would have worked at those jobs, instead of foreigners, are now forced to take lower-paying jobs or go on unemployment benefits. With corporations and a government who favor foreign workers over American workers, is it any wonder that my generation will be the first American generation to have a lower standard of living than their parents?1
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