Recently in Kingston, Jamaica, the International Ecumenical Peace Convocation took place. Part of this convocation involved a request of forgiveness, apologizing for the role of Christians “in systems of violence, injustice, militarism, racism, casteism, intolerance and discrimination.” Of course, the leaders do not mean that they themselves are guilty of any of these sins, or at least not in any serious sense.1 They are apologizing for their ancestors, which, as has been previously discussed, is itself riddled with sin. Our ancestors were much better than we, so to accuse them of horrendous systematic evils is slanderous. But even if they were worse than our generation, it still is hypocritical pseudo-repentance to actually apologize for them. Guilty whites want an assuaged conscience without any genuine penitence concerning their own sins.
There is an even further problem with this false repentance, however. It contradicts other anti-racist tenets. Most of the whites groveling before non-white races to apologize for others’ alleged sins also believe in the Marxist doctrine of race, namely, that it does not exist—that there is only one race, the human race. They believe race has no genetic foundation, but is instead a social construct, i.e., a product of human social interaction. According to them, we are arbitrarily placed into certain groups according to superficial physical characteristics (like skin color), but the objective significance of the group extends no further than such superficialities. Race-deniers do maintain that race has some causal efficacy, for they still believe that “race” as a social, non-genetic category can exert influence, but they believe that an ideal society would not classify people along such lines.
The contradiction, at this point, should be clear. Apologizing for one’s ancestors presupposes some meaningful, objective connection between older and younger whites. It presupposes that race is real. If race were a mere social construct, then there is no reason why certain lighter-skinned people in the present should apologize for the deeds of certain lighter-skinned people in the past. If the only genetic connection is the color of one’s skin, then why is there any need to apologize? Now, I do realize that the convocation involved the repentance of Christians for past Christians’ behavior, but it is plain as day that the apology for “racism” was meant to be by present whites for past white activity.
This example just shows how evil the “Christian” Marxists are in their abuse of language. When it serves their purposes, race is either real or constructed; they suppose godliness is a means of gain (1 Tim. 6:5). If someone is pro-white, then he will be castigated as hateful and divisive, since “there is only one race, the human race.” But if someone is pro-black, then he will be encouraged—and even given a whole month of celebration—to celebrate his ancestry. This deception and double-mindedness must be confronted and condemned.
- They would probably think of themselves as incipiently racist, as they think all whites are. E.g., they would likely condemn looking at a black guy differently than at a white guy as a grave evil. ↩
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