Dear Mom and Dad,
You may have heard about the ‘Alt Right’ from Hillary’s speech today. I know that you raised me to never think ill of other groups like blacks, gays, or Jews, and that you’ve always spoken well of Martin Luther King, Jr., and the Civil Rights movement, and that you think the Bible tells us that we white Christians have to take in refugees no matter what.
Mom and Dad, you’re wrong – and I’m Alt Right.
You think being Alt Right is bad – on the basis of a Hillary Clinton speech? When did the Clintons become the arbiters of truth around here? Mom, I was only a kid at the time, but I remember you tsk-tsking Bill Clinton’s philandering and womanizing when he was President. Didn’t Hillary lie about her husband and slander the women who accused him of sexual harassment and assault? Dad, I remember you listening to Rush Limbaugh and nodding approvingly at Rush’s castigation of Hillary’s socialized medicine scheme – virtually the same one you tried to stop by voting for McCain and Romney in ’08 and ’12. And now you’re telling me that just because the Clintons and their lying socialist media got up and said “the Alt Right is bad and so is Trump!” that we’re all morally bound to fall in step?
Whatever happened to critical thinking? Isn’t that why you saved up money so I could go to college? You know, to learn how to think and be an independent adult who thinks for himself like all good Americans have since George Washington chopped down a cherry tree and refused to tell a lie? Thank the Lord I ignored my Marxist professors and read the Bible instead while getting my degree.
Mom and Dad, I’m sorry it has to come to this, but when I see the people who raised me to be a good Christian, a patriot, and an honest intellect trying to shame me and my generation into conforming to a suicidal, unintelligent, and anti-Christian worldview, I just can’t go along with that.
I’m Alt Right because I believe that I and your grandchildren have the right to exist in a country that exists for them and is governed by them.
Mom and Dad, you need to stop and read that last sentence over again. That is the bottom line. If you don’t get that point, you won’t understand anything about what’s happening to our country. And you’ll never understand why I’m Alt Right.
I’m Alt Right because you raised me to believe in a God of truth – and every scrap of evidence points to the harm caused by mass non-white, Third World immigration into the United States. Not only does it reduce me and your grandchildren to be minorities in our own country, discriminated against in employment, education, and every other facet of our society, but it exposes us to constant violence from these people and destroys our environment. How can you say you’re pro-life when you expose me and your grandchildren to hordes of invaders who infiltrate and ruin our neighborhoods and schools, and rape, rob, murder, and even blow us up at their whim? How can you say you’re pro-family when you support these anti-white policies that have reduced our family to poverty through lowering wages, discriminating against me in hiring and promotions, and robbing me through taxes to pay for non-white social welfare programs?
I’m Alt Right because I am a Christian who recognizes that movements founded on lies cannot be from God. And it may come as a surprise to you, but the Civil Rights movement, the Abolitionist movement, and the current push for interracial marriage, adoption, and mass migration have all been founded on lies and led by heretical, immoral people. Take Martin Luther King, Jr., for example. Even today, more than fifty years after his famous “I Have a Dream” speech, the boxes and boxes of FBI wiretaps and secret recordings of Dr. King are still under wraps, by order of the courts. Why? We have volumes of Washington’s, Lincoln’s, Jefferson’s, and other great American leaders’ works. Why is the federal government keeping all the secrets of the famed Dr. and Reverend a secret from the American people all these years later? Could it be that what his colleagues from the Civil Rights movement said was true – that King was an adulterer, a woman-beater, and a frequenter of prostitutes? Could it be that as the New York Times reported, the Dr.’s PhD dissertation was indeed over 30% plagiarized – and thus invalid as a doctoral dissertation? Could it be that the Reverend was in fact a heretic who didn’t even believe in the deity, virgin birth, or physical resurrection of Christ – as any survey of his sermons and books will reveal?
And what about the Holocaust? Yeah, I know Hillary’s stooges in the press were “wow, just wow”-ing about Pepe the sometimes-Nazi frog, but Mom, hang in there with me for a sec. I know this might be a hard one for you. I know that Grandpa fought in the war and that you and all the family have always been proud of his part in liberating Europe from the Nazis. I’m proud of Grandpa too, Mom, but I’m proud of him for being a brave American soldier. I don’t think he had to go there to do much liberating. I think the war was unnecessary at best and a massive anti-American, anti-Christian bloodbath at worst. Mom, have you seen the evidence about the Holocaust? Remember how Grandpa said he saw all those starving, emaciated prison camp inmates in Europe? Well, don’t you remember how our American planes bombed the Germans to smithereens during the war? Isn’t it possible that those prisoners were starving because they, like all the rest of the people in Germany at the time, had been reduced to basically nothing, and had no more food, medicine, or functioning sanitation systems left? It’s amazing what typhoid and other bugs can do when large numbers of people can’t keep things clean, or keep themselves fed. It happens in just about any war to the side that loses, Mom. It doesn’t mean the Germans were intentionally starving the Jews. And don’t get me started about the gas chambers and the ovens. How is it possible that the Germans – a people that invented rockets, whose scientists helped us beat the Russians in the space race to the moon, who nearly invented the atomic bomb before us, who have some of the most punctual and tidy roads, trains, and bureaucracies in the world – would be so stupid in how they allegedly killed 6,000,000 Jews? The fables about how the Holocaust allegedly happened offend me as a person who knows basic human nature, math, and science. Why would they allegedly try to annihilate millions of “dirty Jews” by first cutting off their hair and making pillows out of them, and then after allegedly killing them, boil their fat into soap bars to rub all over their German bodies? That makes no sense. Why would they gas the Jews to death using a delousing chemical, Zyklon B? Isn’t it possible that these masses of prisoners, suffering from all-too-common infestations of lice, were in fact simply deloused in those gas chambers? And how could such an intelligent people as the Germans be so stupid as to allegedly suffocate the Jews with diesel smoke, when in fact you can’t suffocate people with diesel smoke because it has barely any carbon monoxide in it? And the stories about burning human bodies as if they were well-seasoned wood, or processing thousands and thousands of Jews per hour through ovens and gas chambers with only one or two Germans somehow moving all those tons of bodies by hand…it’s ridiculous. Watch One Third of the Holocaust. It’s a documentary made by a pacifist, a real left-wing, anti-war, colorblind guy. Not exactly a Nazi. But he made the point pretty clear: the Holocaust story is just that…a story used to drive a political agenda.
So Mom and Dad, when Hillary tries to make you think that I, and Donald Trump, are somehow bad because – in my case – we’re Alt Right, or – in Trump’s case – he’s open to some of the goals of the Alt Right – don’t be fooled. You’re being lied to by one of the most finely-tuned lying propaganda machines of the past century. I’m not just talking about the Clintons. I’m also talking about the liberal media, a cabal of liars so sophisticated that even Stalin would blush at their shameless, pro-degenerate, anti-American diatribes. Surprisingly enough, even the so-called conservative media is also jumping on the anti-Trump bandwagon. If you had been following the GOP primaries instead of watching March Madness or retweeting Jeb Bush’s stupid tweets, you would have noticed that the anti-Trump cuckservatives are all just globalists led by anti-white, anti-Christian political hacks of a certain ethnicity. I know, I know, I should stop, right, Dad? Well, sorry…but yes, they’re almost all Jews. The same people who crucified Jesus and persecuted the Church for the past two thousands years to this day, have legalized gay marriage, brought pornography to mainstream American culture…I’ll stop because I’m beating a dead horse. But David Duke could tell you so much more about the Jews and how they’ve destroyed America, and you really need to face the facts.
Another thing you need to know is that not all Alt Right people are the same. Just like liberals and conservatives, people that are Alt Right have a lot of diversity within their ranks. Some of us are indeed Nazis. That is true. But that’s not the majority. Some of us are really old-school Christians, whether Catholic, Protestant, or Eastern Orthodox. But again, that’s probably not a majority. Many of the Alt Right people are basically liberals who simply don’t want to become foreigners and persecuted minorities in their own country. Many other Alt Right people are simply conservatives who realize that the Republican Party and its cultural extensions like Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, and Sean Hannity simply won’t get them to the Promised Land. They’ve heard empty promises for decade after decade, and time is running short. The old approaches haven’t worked. It’s time for something new. And to its credit, the Alt Right – or the threat to the liberal/conservative establishment that the Alt Right represents – has accomplished more for America in the past year than either of those movements has achieved since I was born. When was the last time you heard about a GOP presidential nominee vowing to radically change the fundamental laws of the United States like Trump has with immigration and trade? I don’t remember Bush, McCain, or Romney saying that about abortion even with majorities in Congress, state capitols, and a friendly conservative press to support them. Trump and the Alt Right – though separate entities – have worked together to do something great in this country. And for your grandkids’ sake, you had better hope that more people wake up to the truth and join the Alt Right. You had better hope that they get Trump into office. Because if they don’t, you may well spend your golden years in a Haitian/Puerto Rican/Mexican/Islamic paradise…without having to leave your neighborhood.
I love you Mom and Dad, and I don’t want to let you down. That’s why I’m standing up today to tell you to ignore Crooked Hillary and to embrace your destiny. You passed on to me some of the most important things a kid could have. Love, self-esteem, a sense of belonging, a desire for truth, a love for God and His Word. That’s why I’m doing what I’m doing. You made me this way. And by your generation’s failure to secure our borders and protect our nation, you’ve forced our generation to embrace a more masculine, proud, and truthful approach. I love you, I forgive you, and I won’t let you down. I will stand up for your grandchildren and make the America you inherited from Grandpa great again.
One last thing, Mom and Dad: those Nazi frogs you’ve heard about? Don’t worry. The grandkids won’t be wearing them on their shirts at school.
At least not yet.
Editor’s Note: F&H takes no official position on the extent of Jewish genocide in WWII, and all authors speak for themselves on this issue. We believe that open debate should be allowed and explicitly disavow the religious doctrines of the Nazi Party, a subject we have covered before.
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