If aliens came to this planet and wanted to learn about the thing called the United States of America, one of the first things they would learn is that in American history there have been, and still are, distinct regions of this continent-wide empire that have asserted their identity separate from, and even despite, the collective identity of the rest of the United States. The Confederacy, Texas, California, Alaska, and even New England or Vermont are examples.
This fact of American history predates the Third World invasion of the last few decades and includes all of American history to that point. Which is to say that white people, who have enjoyed the American moniker for nearly two and a half centuries, in and of themselves make distinctions between themselves and their fellow white Americans. These distinctions were not the sole result of other ethnic groups meddling in our business.
Lawrence Murray seems to have ignored this fundamental reality of American history in asserting his notion of a homogenous white “Amerikaner Free State” on the theoretical, post-multicultural American landscape.
To be fair, it is a theory of a white ethnostate — which just about every pro-white advocate would emphatically say is a good thing in and of itself.
But one of the great strengths of the present-day pro-white movement is its ability to draw together Europeans from all parts of the European disapora, without eradicating their national identities. In this way, Australians, Austrians, Canadians, and Californians can work together for their common goals without alienating or subjugating one another.
This, however, the “Amerikaner Free State” project has failed to do. It is explicitly a non-Southern, Northern project. The idea of a white ethnostate that does not include the South is not necessarily a bad thing; the Confederates did not object to the existence of the white ethnostate known as the rest of the United States. The problem is when the proposed Amerikaner Free State invades the historic territory of the Southern people — and then rubs their face in the South’s allegedly inevitable demise as an excuse for doing so.
In short: them’s fighting words.
If the proponents of this idealistic vision want to work towards their goal of a white ethnostate, that’s fine. But why do they feel compelled to antagonize a sizeable chunk of their fellow white Americans? This anti-Southern attitude conveys a strong sentiment of arrogance and contempt towards whites who are not like them. Might that also be how they see whites who differ from them in religion? Not surprisingly, the author is an avid proponent of the false, idolatrous religion of Kek that has gone from a tongue-in-cheek meme to a serious, explicitly anti-Christian metaphysical theory and accounting of events.
The folly and arrogance of the theory would be obvious if we applied it to another part of the world. Let’s look at Russia and Ukraine. If white nationalists proposed bailing on Russia and focusing their efforts on Ukraine, how would you expect Russian patriots to feel about that? Would that engender better pan-European brotherhood? Hardly. How about if English alt-righters told their Scottish colleagues to all move south because Scotland was “a lost cause” and then mocked the Scots who actually resisted such a proposal and rubbed their face in the imperfect workings of Scottish history?
But let’s look past attitudes unto the concrete policy goal that Murray listed: a homogenous white ethnostate. Why are advocates of this Amerikaner concept ignoring the important distinctions in our identities to create their envisioned state?
Empires that erase real distinctions between people — whether racial and ethnic, cultural and linguistic, sexual or religious — are unbiblical and impractical. Isn’t a utopian world order exactly what pro-white advocates are fighting against? So why should pro-white advocates seek to erect a new, all-white Babel in place of the current, anti-white one? Like Cambria Will Not Yield has said, “A Godless Tower of Babel with whites at the top is still a Tower of Babel.”
The arguments given in support of this Big Ten-centric ethnostate are not compelling.
“There’s too much diversity in the South.” True, but there’s also more racially-aware people who have an actual identity and history based around resisting both non-whites and Washington, D.C.
“How would Southerners deal with all the non-whites?” Um, did you vote for Trump and mass deportations in the expectation that they would take place, or not? This is not rocket science — it’s planes, trains, and automobiles, welfare reform, and changes to citizenship and voting laws.
“We can sell a white ethnostate made up of mostly-white areas, but not a white ethnostate made up of mixed areas.” Is white genocide real or not? Because according to every tenet of the Alt Right/white nationalism, the enemy we are fighting will not let us alone anywhere — not as majorities or minorities or even non-mixed married couples.
“If you don’t follow my plan there will be a war.” See above. Why should the fact of our precarious position require the consolidation of separate white ethnic groups into one, Yankee-centered, proposition nation?
Additionally, the idea that the Midwest, Northeast, and Northwest would consolidate into a non-USA entity is utopian. When in American history did Minneapolis serve as the capital of anything? When have North Dakotans and Ohioans ever asserted their identity separate from that of the collective United States? When makes you think that whites in the Northwest, Rockies, Midwest, or New England will suddenly turn their backs on the only political and ethnic identity they’ve ever known? Even anti-government Westerners, for as loud and cantankerous as they may be, are mostly proponents of the Supremacy Clause when push comes to shove.
The way forward with bringing the masses of white America into the fold of the pro-white movement is not to rebrand their identities or tell them to abandon those identities by leaving their ancestral homelands, but to catalyze their identities. In other words, don’t make them stop identifying as American — just change the definition of American. It has happened many times before; why not once more in our favor? This is precisely what the Alt Right is now trying to do with the identity of avowed Republicans: to make “Republican” equal “white nationalist.” Luckily, it’s easy to make the case that Americanism is implicitly and explicitly pro-white.
If you additionally respect and preserve Americans’ regional identities as Southerners, Texans, Californians, New Englanders, etc., then they’ll have even more reason to respect and trust the political program that you’re selling. Don’t tell Southerners to abandon Dixie; help them reclaim it. Don’t tell Californians to abandon California to Mexico; that’s the Golden State – part of their families’ roots and belonging in and to their civilization.
I regard it as unfortunate that this same pagan, imperialist error keeps cropping up around the Alt Right. Pan-Europeanism, pan-Arabism, pan-Africanism, and their ilk across history have not and will not prevail on the stage of human history any more than communism, Islamism, or feminism. People and their societies just aren’t geared towards the imperial. They’re geared towards the familial and the tribal. Respect for the important distinctions within our larger racial and religious family will facilitate a broad coalition capable of achieving common goals. Subordinating our heartfelt differences in religious and cultural identity to an overarching, centralized empire which invariably is the brainchild of one certain ethnoreligious group will only lead to dissension and defeat.
This new brainchild is only one of many failures by secularists and pagans throughout history to properly appreciate the One and the Many. They subjugate the Many beneath the One and create a totalitarian State that predictably turns into a nightmare for its inhabitants and hammers the Church through persecutions. But like the great Reformer Theodore Beza said, the Church “is an anvil that has worn out many hammers.” In like manner the fact of God’s natural order, which divides people into smaller groups based on blood and soil — not transcontinental political ideologies — always outlasts those ideologies and the empires built upon them.
Here’s hoping for a better appreciation of the One and the Many, and the God who made them both, amongst our colleagues in the pro-white world.
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