Fox News used to rule cable news, blowing the competition away every rating period. This went on for years, as White Christians fell for Rupert Murdoch’s illusion that the network was on their side. But it looks like White people are waking up – the networks ratings are in freefall, they’ve recently fired their biggest star Bill O’Reilly, and there are rumors that Sean Hannity’s job may be on the chopping block.
O’Reilly is a complete fraud and should’ve been fired long ago. After some twenty years of dominating “conservative” cable news, O’Reilly has finally been cashiered for using his power and fame to force his female subordinates to have sex with him, which he has been doing pretty much the whole time he’s been at Fox News. Well, good riddance. Bill O’Reilly is notoriously anti-White, and has done tremendous damage to White racial consciousness in his twenty years at Fox News, by demonizing “racists” and constantly promoting the notion of “color-blind conservatism.” According to O’Reilly and his legions of “color-blind conservative” fans, race is absolutely meaningless, conservatism is nothing but a set of principles or propositions to which anyone can subscribe, Martin Luther King was a true conservative (and one of the greatest men who ever lived), Democrats are the real racists, and any conservative who thinks race matters is a Nazi who has no place in decent society. But, as we’ll see shortly, O’Reilly went much further than that – he’s a foaming-at-the-mouth, race-mixing cuck who outright despises White people who don’t want to date blacks.
And let’s get one thing clear right up front – O’Reilly’s firing wasn’t a miscarriage of justice. He fully deserved it, and it should’ve happened fifteen years ago. O’Reilly is a vile pervert, period. Now, it’s true that a lot of what’s called “sexual harassment” in the workplace is no such thing, and we should generally be very skeptical about these claims. For one thing, men and women shouldn’t work together. When tens of millions of men and women spend eight or more hours a day with members of the opposite sex they’re not married to, a whole bunch of them are going to start having adulterous sex. That’s what always happens when large numbers of men and women spend lots of time together, and it’s one of the main reasons women don’t belong in the workplace.
On the other hand, laws against “sexual harassment” and “hostile work environments” are nothing less than legislation based on radical feminism, and aimed at destroying men – specifically, White, heterosexual, Gentile men. These laws don’t forbid sexual advances in the workplace; they forbid unwanted sexual advances. In other words, if the boss offers to promote a woman in exchange for sexual favors, it’s only harassment if she isn’t interested in his proposal. If the new position doesn’t pay enough, or if he’s not attractive enough, the woman is being sexually harassed. But if she decides to take him up on his offer, no harm, no foul, and the White man who actually deserved the promotion has no legal recourse whatsoever. So, in the ordinary workplace, these laws are tools women can use to either get what they want, or punish any man whom they’re not attracted to for simply saying, “I like your dress.”
However, that isn’t what was going on in Bill O’Reilly’s case. It was clear from the day Fox News went on the air, with lots of young, attractive White women hosting the channel’s programs, that something sordid was going on behind the scenes. Men are much better than women when it comes to political punditry and journalism, but Fox News was crawling with good-looking women. This was “fair and balanced”? No, it was simply Rupert Murdoch selling flesh to get old men to tune in. (Half of all Fox News viewers are over the age of 69.) Fox News has always been a scam.
Rupert Murdoch was smart enough to understand just how much pent-up rage the White electorate had for the liberal media when viewers could only choose from CBS, NBC, ABC, and CNN. And he also understood that those same millions of White people are, for the most part, quite gullible. So he hired Roger Ailes to create a network whose positions were just slightly less left-wing than CNN and the other networks, figuring, correctly that White people would eat it up, even if there was actually very little substantive difference between Fox and CNN. Eat it up they did, and in no small part because Ailes filled the anchor seats with lots of attractive White women. So, from the beginning, Fox News has always been about sex. And it has been a cash cow, making billions in profits for Murdoch, who then takes the money he makes from conservative suckers and funds all his other networks, which put out some of the filthiest garbage ever broadcast.
We’ve recently learned that Roger Ailes was also having sex with lots of these women he hired, as he was fired a few months before O’Reilly for the same thing. Naturally, cucks are saying that both men have been framed, and that Fox is bowing to political correctness by firing them. That’s ridiculous. Again, men are far better at journalism and political analysis, but Fox hired lots of very attractive White women on their network. Yes, there are rare exceptions, but when attractive women are filling jobs over qualified men, there are almost always some sexual favors involved. And O’Reilly has been doing this for at least fifteen years, and he’s undeniably guilty. Back in 2004, Andrea Mackris, who had been a producer at Fox since 2000, quit her job and sued O’Reilly, claiming that he’d been trying to get her to have sex with him for two a half years, pretty much non-stop. She was asking for $60 million in damages.
Andrea Mackris filed her lawsuit on October 13, 2004. O’Reilly went ballistic, calling her accusations a pack of lies, saying she was a scheming, lying hussy who just wanted money. He said he wasn’t going to let her get away with it, and would vigorously defend himself in court, even if he had to spend millions of dollars to do it. He said he had no choice; he was doing it for his wife and kids, as he had to defend himself against slander in order to protect the honor and good name of his family. But a mere two weeks later, on October 29th, after vowing to go to war in court to defend himself, O’Reilly announced he had settled out of court with Mackris, “to spare my family” the ordeal of a trial. Why the change of tune? It wasn’t because he wanted to spare his family. No, it was because after he swore up and down that everything Mackris had said was a lie, her lawyer went public with some of the obscene phone calls O’Reilly had made to Andrea Mackris. Very detailed stuff, as in verbatim transcripts. (You can read them here.) The lawyer was sending a message to O’Reilly – look, Bill, we’ve got you on tape. Give it up. And O’Reilly got the message, and immediately settled out of court, for what we learned recently was $9 million.
Bill O’Reilly, like so many White people in politics and the media, is amoral scum. He’s a traitor, and not just another run-of-the-mill traitor like Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity. He went way past their pious platitudes about how “we all bleed red”, etc. Back in 2003, O’Reilly spent a week or two actually attacking a group of White kids in Georgia. Their crime? They held a private party, and didn’t invite any blacks. O’Reilly wasn’t about to stand for that. He said in this day and age, when 18% of the casualties in Iraq were black, there was no excuse for White kids at a high school that’s 50% black being allowed to organize a party and not invite any of their black classmates. He said it was hateful, outrageous, and disgusting. O’Reilly denounced the local Georgia media for not condemning the kids and their private party. He spent a week demanding the Governor of Georgia condemn the kids and their private gathering, and even wanted the governor to show up at the party and confront the kids. O’Reilly even sent a news crew to harass the kids as they entered their private party, and showed the footage to millions of viewers on his show, trying to shame the kids on national television because they wanted to stay White.
And the whole time he was attacking these kids as immoral, O’Reilly was making filthy, obscene phone calls to his female underlings, trying to cheat on his wife with them.
Good riddance to this traitorous, White-hating scum. And let’s hope Fox News follows its biggest name into well-deserved obscurity.
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