Over the past week, both the pro and anti sides of the vaccine debate have been posted here on Faith and Heritage and I, at least, have enjoyed reading both sides. I personally have not made up my mind on the issue, and the articles gave me much to consider. However, the exchange did get me thinking about the differences of opinions we sometimes find within the groups of people who share our ideology and worldview. Both Robert and Gen 5 are genuine Christians and truly conservative, and yet they differ on this issue. It is important to note that we can and should have these differences without calling into question the other person’s Christianity or conservatism. I am certainly not advocating moral relativism here; I am merely acknowledging that as fallen creatures who do not have the mind of God, even when we start from a truly Christian and conservative worldview, we can legitimately come to different positions on issues. There are some things which a true Christian conservative must maintain and on which we cannot have a “difference of opinion,” such as the deity of Christ, the importance of our ethnic heritage and identity, and the supremacy of God over the state. Yet there are other things, like whether or not to vaccinate your children, whether utilities and roads should be public or private, and whether republicanism or monarchy is the best form of government; truly Christian Conservatives can disagree on these and still consider each other brothers in Christ, friends, and even allies in the war we wage to preserve and restore Western Civilization and Christianity. This is not to say that we shouldn’t debate these issues or that there isn’t a right answer to them, but merely to point out that if we agree with someone on 95% of the issues, including all the important stuff, we shouldn’t sweat the other 5%. It’s okay to agree to disagree on some things.
If there are other issues which fall into this category that you’d like to see Faith and Heritage present both sides of at a future time – then please leave us a suggestion using the contact form.
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