Today marks the 67th anniversary of the Normandy landings. These landings marked the beginning of an eleven-month-long campaign and tens of thousands of casualties, which ended in the defeat of National Socialist Germany in May of 1945.
Five years ago, a British author, Nicholas Pringle, sent out a request to those people who had lived through World War II to send him their answers to these questions:
Are you happy with how your country has turned out? What do you think your fallen comrades would have made of life in 21st-century Britain?
He was shocked that in almost all of the 150 replies he received, there was a “vehement insistence that those who made the ultimate sacrifice in the war would now be turning in their graves.”1 Chief amongst their complaints was the mass third-world immigration which has turned Britain into a country they no longer recognize. One WWII vet wrote,
Our country has been given away to foreigners while we, the generation who fought for freedom, are having to sell our homes for care and are being refused medical services because [immigrants] come first.
One woman wrote of her late husband, a WWII vet:
It is 18 years since I lost him and as I look around parts of Birmingham today you would never know you were in England. . . . I am very unhappy about the way this country is being transformed. I go nowhere after dark. I don’t even answer my doorbell then.

A crowded street in East London
The 2007 census showed that London was only 69% white and only 58% white British; the 2011 census will show that these numbers have dropped even further.2 The British government is destroying Britain much more thoroughly than the Germans ever could have, or would even have wanted to, and the British WWII vets realize this. They rightly feel betrayed by a government which has destroyed rather than preserved what their generation was told that they were fighting for, what 450,000 of their fellow countrymen died for: a Britain populated by white British, speaking English, and living in a British culture.3 Instead of this, and without asking permission, the British government has flooded Britain with third-worlders, put these immigrants at the front of the line for benefits, fundamentally altered the culture to accommodate to their every whim, and made it taboo and even illegal to object to this situation or to openly discuss it.
Further, ironically, the British government has willingly surrendered to what they claimed to be fighting in World War II – foreign control from mainland Europe.
The loss of British sovereignty to the European Union caused almost as much distress. ‘Nearly all veterans want Britain to leave the EU,’ wrote one. Frank, a merchant navy sailor, thought of those who gave their lives ‘for King and country’, only for Britain to become ‘an offshore island of a Europe where France and Germany hold sway. Ironic, isn’t it?’
Being controlled by a liberal, Marxist Brussels is far worse than being controlled by a National Socialist Berlin would have been.
And in the face of all this mass immigration, lying politicians, cultural decay, and loss of national sovereignty, these WWII veterans are not allowed to speak out:
‘Our British culture is draining away at an ever increasing pace’, wrote an ex-Durham Light Infantryman, ‘and we are almost forbidden to make any comment’.
We in America are experiencing the same problems, though not yet to the same degree as the British, due to our constitutional safeguards and larger land mass – but all of the above applies to us as well.
So, was it worth it? No. The British WWII vets have spoken and I agree; the reward of ethnic and cultural genocide by our own governments after the war was not worth the hundreds of thousands of casualties and years of national sacrifices and hardships.
The entire article can be found here and is well worth reading in its entirety.
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