As late as 1950, Los Angeles was 86% white; that number is now 29% white and declining.
Based on the 2010 U.S. Census data, the Cooper Center has created a racial dot map of America. This is a great tool for white people wanting to buy a house, looking for a job, searching for a vacation spot, or any number of other things; just look for the blue dots.
However, this tool also shows a very troubling picture of American demographics. Anyone who thinks this isn’t serious should take a look at any of the major American cities, such as Houston:
Then compare that to an ethnic map of Sarajevo in 1991:

Green = Bosniak, Blue = Serb, and Orange = Croat
And then read up on what happens to multiracial cities when the “good times” come to an end and the central government can no longer suppress human nature. But don’t worry, the U.S. Government has access to this data too and is committed to making things even worse. Code-named “Operation Resurrect the Klan,” the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has proposed a plan to racially and economically integrate neighborhoods:
The Department of Housing and Urban Development has proposed a new plan to change U.S. neighborhoods it says are racially imbalanced or are too tilted toward rich or poor, arguing the country’s housing policies have not been effective at creating the kind of integrated communities the agency had hoped for. . . .
States would then assess the best way to integrate communities deemed by HUD’s data to not be integrated enough. A HUD official, who did not want to speak on record because of the public comment period, said the rule hopes to better match up HUD-assisted housing with the communities that have good hospitals, schools and other assets.
“Good hospitals, schools and other assets” are code phrases for white areas. You get these code phrases all the time from disingenuous white eunuchs: “so why did you move from [minority area] to [white area]?” “Oh, you know, better schools and less crime.” So sweeping all the government-speak aside, what this basically means is that white Americans will be taxed to fund programs to move the worst elements of the black and mestizo communities into their neighborhoods to increase crime, nosedive property values, and destroy the schools; all in the name of sacred diversity, of course. On a side note, this movement of minorities into houses they can’t afford on the taxpayers’ dime is basically what kicked off the housing crash in 2008. Aside from some “racists” and liberal academics, a lot of the nastier parts of the racial integration programs fifty years ago have been suppressed by the national consciousness, especially in the white portions of the population. The conservatives don’t want to remember that conservatives used to have backbones and be “racist,” liberals don’t want to remember how much of a complete failure their Marxist social programs were, and a lot of the younger generation weren’t alive back then. Thus the fact that the riots, looting, and all the rest only ended when all the white people moved out to the suburbs, leaving the inner cities to the minorities – and not because the housing programs and racial integration were successful – has been suppressed forgotten. But this isn’t the 1950s and 1960s, with America in the middle of an industrial boom and an expanding middle class; this is the 2010s with a stagnant economy and a dying middle class. White people are running out of places to run to and don’t have the money to do it anymore, even if there were. The white people with money are already living in lily-white neighborhoods behind tall gates preaching the wonders of diversity for the rest of us. It’s not their neighborhoods which are going to be targeted by this HUD program.
The U.S. government and its supporters are determined to turn every Slovenia in America into a Bosnia; but don’t forget, ethnonationalists are all about “hate” and Marxists are all about “love.”
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