Whites Should Not Seek Belonging in Orthodoxy
Rome Is Not the White Man’s Home
There Is No Place in the Alt Right for Mormonism
Islam Is No Mecca for White People
Ancient Aryan Religion Is Not the Way Home
Ancient European Religions Do Not Have a Place for Whites
No. The answer is just no.
If you’ve been following my series of brief surveys of religious institutions thus far, you’ll recall that hitherto we’ve dealt with the Eastern Orthodox, Roman Catholic, Mormon, Islamic, Hindu, and Neo-Pagan worlds. Being as Faith and Heritage is a Protestant site, naturally I wanted to save Protestantism — the best — for last.
In all of the analysis thus far, the question has been whether or not a major religious institution existed that would tolerate, or support, people who are pro-white. As described in the original installment, the impetus behind the series was to discover where, if anywhere, we could find community and spiritual nourishment. Man is designed for community and man lives not on bread alone, but on the Word of God. Ergo, we need to belong to a spiritual, social institution. That’s what the Church is, and other religions have institutions that fulfill these functions too.
Please note that this series has not dealt with some very important, but not directly related, questions. Nowhere have we dealt with the truth claims of these religions. We’ve sidestepped arguments about the hypothetical future benefits of certain religions. We’ve largely ignored the historical harms of certain religions. These questions have been avoided because they have been extensively dealt with before. We have centuries of polemics between the faiths. We have centuries of histories about the interaction between these faiths and our European, American, Afrikaner, Antipodean peoples.
What we don’t have is an assessment about the present-day, practical utility of these faiths and their institutions to our people. Occasionally questions about these faiths will pop up on Alt Right-friendly bulletin boards across the Internet. I’m always impressed by how little people seem to know about these religions’ histories, demographics, theologies, and worship. But behind most of these inquiries is not an academic question. It’s the heartfelt desire to identify and partake in a religion, and its institutional life, as a white person who does not want to see his existence and civilization destroyed. These theoretical questions have been prompted by existential problems.
I am not immune to the heartfelt desire for community, belonging, and spiritual sustenance. Without discounting the benefit of prayer and Scripture reading, I believe those are not enough for a fully-formed disciple’s life. I am impressed by the fact that in Scripture Christ instituted other means by which to bless and use us, such as the visible Church, the preaching of the Word, and the celebration of the sacraments.
So at last we come to where most Faith and Heritage readers started: Protestantism. Is there a place for pro-white people in any major Protestant institution? As I’ve indicated at the outset of this article, with Protestantism the answer is simply and plainly no.
As in the case of the neo-pagans, as well as the traditionalist Catholics and probably others, there are minor institutions within the Protestant world that are tolerant or supportive of pro-white views. We’ll come to that in a future installment. But as a multitude of articles here at Faith and Heritage have documented, the Protestant world is in a world of hurt. At worst, its institutions and leaders are completely off the reservation. This would describe the rainbow-flag loving acolytes of Baal that confronted our Alt Right protesters at Charlottesville, for example. At best, the Protestant world is a cuckold enthralled with the sight of seeing his country and church ravaged by dark-skinned invaders. Yes, I’m talking about you, Russell Moore. And you, John Piper. And you, Doug Wilson. And on and on it goes. For as much as our cuckservative brethren resisted the influx of theological liberalism with respect to the deity of Christ, His virgin birth, His physical resurrection, the inerrancy of Scripture, the sanctity of life before birth and approaching natural death, and the sanctity of heterosexual marriage, they have absolutely bought the liberal line when it comes to race, Jews, and even feminism. Name the denomination, and you’ll be naming either a liberal or cuckservative institution.
Presbyterians: The Presbyterian Church U.S.A. is another Baal-worshipping denomination, while the cuckservatives from the North in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church and from the South in the Presbyterian Church of America are preparing the way for white genocide through white guilt.
Baptists: The American Baptist Church is a bunch of self-hating liberals, while the Southern Baptist Church is an institution of cuckservative scalawags.
Lutherans: the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America is gay, and the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod and Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod are cuckolded on both race and the JQ in direct contradiction to Martin Luther’s clear views on the subject.
Anglicans: The Episcopal Church is absolutely crazy, and the conservatives who seceded to form the Anglican Church in North America are led by white guilt-laden cuckolds.
You get the point. On the left hand, you’ve got outright Baal worship, infant sacrifices to Molech, and ritual sex with non-white, gay whores. On the right hand, you’ve got Mr. and Mrs. America in a quasi-conservative megachurch sliding down into that same gehenna, albeit at a slower pace. That is the state of American Protestantism today.
It may be inferred again that the present movement for women’s rights will certainly prevail from the history of its only opponent, Northern conservatism. This is a party which never conserves anything. Its history has been that it demurs to each aggression of the progressive party, and aims to save its credit by a respectable amount of growling, but always acquiesces at last in the innovation. What was the resisted novelty of yesterday is today one of the accepted principles of conservatism; it is now conservative only in affecting to resist the next innovation, which will tomorrow be forced upon its timidity, and will be succeeded by some third revolution to be denounced and adopted in its turn. American conservatism is merely the shadow that follows Radicalism as it moves towards perdition….It is worthless because it is the conservatism of expediency only, and not of sturdy principle.
The irony and tragedy of our exile from the spiritual homes our fathers built for us is real, but it is a moot point. There is no home for pro-white people in the major Protestant institutions of today. That’s the bottom line. Given the determined and deep resistance by pro-white Protestants here at Faith and Heritage and elsewhere, clearly we have some small institutions and a number of people who want things to change. In the final analysis however, at present we have no home.
In the next installment, we’ll look at what, if anything, we can do about that.
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