Free speech and ethnonationalism won at the University of Florida on October 19. Unlike at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, Va., police and university officials protected the right of American citizens to publicly air their views on important issues of the day. As always, the Alt Right came in peace. Speakers Richard Spencer and Mike Enoch, along with Eli Mosley, did their usual good job of explaining some of the core issues the Alt Right holds dear, and of triggering immature, weak minds to cry and complain about Hollywood stereotypes.
Before the main event, Spencer gave a thorough and commanding press conference, where he allowed the lugenpresse to ask their questions. In Trumpian fashion, Spencer pushed back when their questions were thinly veiled attacks or setups. Enoch was quick to jump into the rhetorical fray when such incendiary remarks were tossed to Spencer. Take, for example, the case of the Puerto Rican reporter who sought to undermine the definition of whiteness. Enoch quickly put the question back to her — would she ever talk to Puerto Rican nationalists that way? Spencer joined in, pointing out that no journalist dissects the meaning of blackness when #BlackLivesMatter holds an event or speaks to the press. Spencer and Enoch swatted down such questions posed in bad faith, to the relief of every fair-minded listener.
The media tried to make much of an unrelated incident involving antifa assaulting Alt Right guys, who then defended themselves but will face prosecution. Remember: the Alt Right is a non-violent movement based on ideas, and we don’t gain anything by physically confronting losers. We also do not bring firearms to our events because, quite frankly, the media and courts will lie and persecute us no matter how innocent and within our constitutional rights we may be.
Nonetheless, the media news cycle moved on because the lugenpresse emerged from Gainesville without nearly the amount of anti-white material they created ex nihilo at Charlottesville. Spencer, Enoch, and company will continue to hold events at college campuses across the country — Northern and Midwestern campuses are now in sights — and our pro-white, ethnonationalist ideas will continue to become normalized in the white masses’ consciousness. Simultaneously, anti-white antifa rabble will continue to drag down public perception of their globalist cause.
This successful event is another brick in the wall that will one day protect our posterity from invaders. Kudos to the leaders and organizations who put the event together.
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