“It is usually considered good practice to examine a thing for oneself before echoing the vulgar ridicule of it.”
~J. Gresham Machen, Christianity and Liberalism
We all know what happened at Charlottesville. And as expected, the MSM spun a narrative inverse of reality. Establishment GOP mouthpieces quickly joined the Marxist chorus denouncing ‘White Supremacy’ and depicting Antifa as the wholesome mainstream repelling Nazi stormtroopers marching in to lynch all the Blacks, effeminates, dyslexics, and left-handed Indigo children who make up the utopia of modern Charlottesville.
But Christians can all surely see through this cartoonish narrative. Can’t they?
Odd as it is, and their theological peccadillos notwithstanding, the ministerial corps of America took to their podcast posts, manned the Twitter turrets, and it was blog-bombs away in unprecedented unanimity denouncing one side in particular. Was it the aggressor side? Was it the side who brought offensive weapons like bats, knives, rocks, bleach, acid, and flamethrowers? Was it the side that demands unlimited abortion? Was it the side with topless lesbians screaming about their menstruation? Was it the side calling for the overthrow of history? Was it the side threatening the mass rape of the others’ women and children? Was it the side demanding and promising genocide? Was it the side which monolithically demands the outlawing of various aspects of Christianity, or the Christian Faith in toto?
The answer to all of these is no.
Jack Graham led his lily White church in a benedictory oath saying, “We stand together as a church . . . to say in the strongest terms that we condemn any sort of racial bigotry, white supremacy, prejudice, and intolerance.”
Hordes of rampaging black-hood Communists, Black thugs, blue-haired lesbians, sodomites, pedophiles, catamites, Talmudists, witches, and Satanists attacked lawfully assembled demonstrators gathered to speak against the Marxist erasure of Christian history and Western Man, and pastor Jack identifies the latter group as the singular enemy of the church? White people who believe in history are the problem?
Just what in the literal hell is going on here?
Tim Keller chimed in denouncing any desire for preservation of our monuments and symbols, or any favorable view of our heritage, as categorical Nazism! Which only confirms either that he has no idea what Nazism is, or that he is intent on purposeful distortion. He even singles out “particularly Anglos” as having a moral imperative to disavow any and all positive association with our own history and people! Which is to say, according to Keller, if you are White, your salvation depends upon repudiation of your Christian heritage!
Rod Dreher, who wrote an entire book on the R2K premise that Christians should abandon the public sphere, broke his ostensible vow of silence to condemn the rally and self-defense of the Rightists as “White racial terrorism.”
Russ Moore, president of the Southern Baptists’ ERLC, writing for the Washington Post and NY Times (the fact that he gets a stage in such anti-Christian publications is telling, isn’t it?), declared any White retaining affection for his people or their history “satanic to the core” and the literal manifestation of the Beast of Revelation. Yeah, he really went there.
Pensacola Christian College actually expelled Allen Armentrout for the sin of saluting the Lee Memorial with the cross of St. Andrew in hand. And because he stood taciturn in the face of venomous anti-Christs and post-gender bipeds of the African persuasion threatening violence on him. So acknowledgment of the venerable dead is now an excommunicable offense. So much for Foxe’s Book of Martyrs, then.
Professor Mark Eckels said via Facebook, “I stand with my Black brothers and sisters against racial hatred #Charlottesville.”
Um, your ‘Black brothers and sisters’ were the ones flagrant in their ‘racial hatred.’ And not just at Charlottesville, but everywhere, all the time. Realize, the genocide of the White race is not conspiracy theory in their eyes, but a proposition openly embraced and celebrated! As they tell it, the end of the White man is mandatory and anyone who is insufficiently enthusiastic about it deserves to be executed with welding torches and have their families raped to death by Blacks. This is absolutely mainstream thought amongst them. It’s the argument they defer to in every other exchange.
Meantime, the White Right you’ve singled out as the villains are merely attempting to gain a platform to object to that genocide, and be White in public, for goodness’ sake!
Jemar Tisby, president of RAAN, said in a Washington Post article (again, ask yourself why he gets a pass to write in such an anti-Christian venue), “The church remains instrumental in dismantling the racial caste system in America.”
Let me remind you, RAAN stands for Reformed African-American Network. Which operates in the open as a racial advocacy group within the Church! And not only with the forbearance of White people, but the jubilant acclaim of the same. If Mr. Tisby wants to discuss the ‘racial caste system’, let’s start with why he enjoys an unquestioned latitude to seek the good of his race, and speak to Christian issues from a racial vantage, when White Christians are denied the basic right to exist; and the subsequent question of why his race is presumed to have moral authority to lecture mine on the consummate evil of Whiteness, but no reciprocity is allowed to Whites to criticize Blacks in any capacity, nor even to disagree with their appraisal of Whites. The plain fact is, this entire society is presently set up in deference to non-Whites and demands the erasure of Whites from the very civilization we built.
Joel McDurmon tweets, “Still think I’m crazy on racism? Think there’s no anti-black hate anymore? Grieve for #charlottesville and repent; do something.”
Yes, Joel, you’re certifiable. The term ‘racism’ is nothing less than the indictment of the theonomic social order of love for one’s family, folk, and fatherland. Y’know, the theonomic movement you’re presently turning on its head?
And there was nothing about the UTR rally demonstrative of special hatred of Blacks. If anything, it was hatred of our ongoing genocide and the satanic zeitgeist driving it. ‘Anti-black hate’ is the SPLC’s cartoon narrative, and you know it. No one was chanting, “We hate niggers!” They were chanting, “You will not replace us!” I mean, even if both sides were advocating the genocide of the other, rebuking only one party would reveal your partisanship; but it’s worse than that, because the two aren’t saying the same thing. And you are attacking the party making the benign statements, in deference to the party making the most malevolent statements. More than statements, in fact, the party you identify with is everywhere acting on their genocidal ideation, murdering White men merely for being White.
Hey, Joel, enjoy those thirty shekels of shame, or however much Soros is paying you, because it’s the only reward you have coming.
Jeff Durbin opens his comedy show by saying, “As Christians, we condemn, completely, racism. Racism is essentially hatred. It’s hatred for another person, another image-bearer of God, because of the color of their skin.”
I have never met any White who fits that criteria. I mean, as someone who has been called racist a lot, I can tell you, I have no hatred for any particular color. But I do hate evil, and the large majority of Blacks are monstrously evil. Not least of which for their insistence that my people have no right to live — a position nigh universal to them. No, to the extent that Blacks are hated, it is in MLK’s historic words, “not on account of their color, but the content of their character.”
And though motives vary, the Right are not motivated by hatred of anyone so much as a sense of priority for their own children and culture, and a sense of responsibility to ancestors, posterity, and God.
Most funny, though, is that Durbin’s definition of ‘racism’ is all but unanimously condemned by Blacks as ‘blatant White Supremacy.’ So, yeah, he only provokes the very people he means to appease. For all his virtue signalling, the Antifa folk to whom he’s catering regard Durbin indistinguishable from the ‘Nazis.’ He may deceive himself into believing he is on the side of the downtrodden minorities, but as an anti-abortion cis White Christian, Durbin is to them only a target, and the only people who might defend him are the mean ol’ ‘racists’ he condemns.
Durbin also resorts to that old bumpersticker slogan — “No race but the human race” — as if it were some foundational Christian doctrine. Truth is, it’s hardly older than corduroy bell bottoms, and was entirely unknown to us prior. In the New Testament alone the terms ethnos, genos, genea, and so forth are applied to many limited racial groups. Or as Schaff famously spoke to the Christian doctrine of slavery, “Wherever the governmental idea holds the mercenary so completely in check and yields to the influence of Christian morality, it may be a wholesome training school for inferior races, as it is in fact with the African negroes, until they are capable to govern themselves.” (Schaff, Slavery and the Bible, p. 24)
See, Jeff, prior to the sexual revolution and the artifice of ‘civil rights,’ Christians — especially our Reformed luminaries — did not entertain this ‘one race, the human race’ concept. To them, all such talk was decried for New Ageism, Liberalism, Communism, Unitarianism, Jacobinism, Monism, Docetism, Gnosticism, or Humanism.
And really, Jeff? A red Karl Marx t-shirt? I’m sure you meant it in that ironic hipster way, but it’s not ironic. It’s entirely apropos to your message.
But Durbin’s interview of Doug Wilson is most interesting. They address the collapse of American culture as the result of our nation having slid into liberal apostasy. Which is spot on. But when he asks Wilson about the racism of the Charlottesville rally, he throws him a curve ball by bringing up the ubiquitous accusations of ‘racism’ hurled at Wilson himself. In the latter context he answers, “Racism is anybody who is winning an argument with a Liberal.” Bravo, Doug.
But no longer addressing the charge leveled at himself, he turns on a dime to condemn the Charlottesville rally-goers under the same presuppositions as the secular Liberals condemning him:
The Church of Jesus Christ is cosmopolitan. And I want to argue that is the only way you can overcome ethnic divisions and hostilities, racial animosity. If you dispense with Christ, people are always going to default to their own tribe. . . . If you look at the Charlottesville white supremacists, white nationalists, white separatists . . . that group was almost certainly not educated in white supremacist academies. They were educated in the government schools. And they were taught identity politics, and then they went and looked in the mirror to see what group they belonged to. And if you don’t have a transcendent reality overarching the whole thing, like the Lord Jesus Christ . . . you’re going to give way to this sort of identity politics.
I’m sorry, this is utter hogwash. His very first premise is false. And so too, then, all that follows therefrom. No matter where we look in Scripture, the Church is not a mocha polyglot, but rather, “a Kingdom of races, nations, and tongues” (Dan. 7:14; Rev. 7:9; etc.) discipled as nations (Matt. 28:19-20).
And the notion that White heritage has been coached by the secular school system is a plain inversion of reality. The entirety of state education is organized to suppress two things — White identity and the Lordship of Christ. That’s no coincidence. They were wed for two millennia. And remember, the monument around which this scandal orbits is tribute to an age of greater pro-White tribalism before the entrenchment of the common schools, when Christianity was ascendant and ‘anti-racism’ was a thing yet undreamt.
Regardless, the tribalism to which secular liberalism defaults is Intertribalism: the very cosmopolitanism that Durbin and Wilson claim to be the Christian position!
But you won’t believe what happens next. Durbin asks, “Why does socialism suck?” To which Wilson retorts,
Socialism is driven by envy and malice and the whole egalitarian impulse to level everything. It’s an impulse that’s scratching at difference, and wants to eradicate every difference; and if they can’t elevate themselves, they want to tear down the other. . . . Egalitarianism is the central rot. And what you’re doing is you want to rebel against the station which God assigned to you. God gave me certain limitations; I’m in the box that is my personal identity. I am me. . . . I can’t be somebody else. I need to just receive what God has given me with gratitude and not try to level everything.
Thus refuting everything he said prior. You just can’t make this stuff up. They simply cannot keep the story straight. Sorry, fellers, you can’t sell both propositions at once: either Christianity abolishes all difference, or anti-Christianity (Socialism) does, but both can’t be true at the same time.
Granted, we Kinists have our own reservations concerning the UTR action, as the unity called for affected an unequal yoke between believers and the eclectic confederation of Libertarians, anarchocapitalists, anarchofuturists, some genuine National Socialists, Strasserites, and the like. Which unfortunately muted the Christian message and sets the stage for more secular drift toward heathen Imperium.
But to quote a Kinist friend, “The Alt Right is leading because Christians consider Nigel Lee and Geerhardus Vos to be racists.” So either way, in order for Christians to take the lead against the Marxists, the issue must be put to bed amongst our churchmen — there is no moral equivalence between Nationalism and the Multicult Comintern.
Just as occurred in the French Revolution, under Spanish Republicans, and during the Bolshevik Revolution, so long as the ministerial corps default to Antifa’s social theory, Christendom shall only fall further into eclipse. And the Kalergi Clergy abetting them will, like all the useful idiots, find themselves strangled with their own guts.
On that last day, Wurmbrand, Solzhenitsyn, and a great cloud of martyrs shall testify against our contemporary Balaams who succor the enemy for worldly approval, for mammon, and for fear of the Jews. So much so that they even fear those biblical words ‘for fear of the Jews.’
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