Americans live in a dystopian society. Most have a hard time earning a decent income. When pay day rolls around, we get huge chunks of our paychecks taken away before we even get to decide what to do with it. Much of that money goes down the drain to finance the health care industry and its golden parachutes for top executives. With what little money we have left over, we have to pay for our housing, car maintenance and gas, auto insurance, unexpected bills, utilities, debts, clothes and shoes for the family, and oh yeah — food. If there’s not enough to go around, you get on WIC or SNAP, Medicaid, CHIP, or a host of other programs. Then when you spend those food stamp dollars, where do you go? Walmart or a store like it which pays its workers little to nothing and keeps advancing a globalist, anti-white, anti-Christian agenda with its profits.
It’s like Soylent Green for economics. Labor goes into the company, crumbs come out, workers ask government for help, crumbs come out (already confiscated from workers’ pockets), workers give crumbs back to company to feed baby workers, company pushes the banker-backed government’s agenda. Labor goes in, crumbs come out…the cycle continues.
Our Soylent Green isn’t people, it’s our American Dream.
We go to work to provide a decent — nay, a better — life for our wives and children. We go to work to make America great again one day at a time. One home at a time. One honest day’s work at at time. But what do we get? Low wages driven down by illegal and/or foreign labor. Bloated labor markets (thanks to working women and immigrants) that make finding jobs difficult in the first place. Discriminatory laws that punish white male applicants at the outset of the hiring process. Toxic workplaces that oppress normal, natural ethnic pride, ethnically-based patriotism, healthy masculinity, and Christian morals. For running this gauntlet and putting up with these evils, what we white, straight Christian men get is peanuts. We aim to bring home the bacon, but all we bring home is stress, exhaustion, depression, and peanuts.
This globalist system really is an evil menace destroying our families, communities, and souls. It will grind down every people wherever its tentacles grasp power. In the U.S. and the Western world, it is grinding down our race and nations. When our grandfathers graduated with high school diplomas, they were immediately able to find jobs that paid them enough to save money to buy new homes and new cars in just a few years. College-educated job applicants today carry more personal debt than our grandparents could have ever imagined was possible, and yet for all their “investment” in higher education they will likely never make enough money to get out of debt or to own a home outright. The last words uttered at their funerals will not be “from dust to dust,” but “from debt to debt.”
Our people suffer at the hands of corporate executives just as much as we suffer at the hands of the lugenpresse, judicial tyrants, cuckolded pastors, and anti-white politicians. We should fight them all in order to save our people, our nation, our race, and our dreams of a better future for our children.
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