Alabama is fundamentally a bifurcated state. Two thirds of the population is non-Hispanic white and heavily tilted towards various forms of conservative Christianity. One quarter of the population is black and heavily tilted towards various forms of liberal Christianity. None of this is new.
Alabama is a Southern state in the mold of the “New South,” i.e. reconstructed in the image of anti-white, industrialist RINOs who cuck at every turn on identity and morality. None of this is new. This has been the status quo for decades.
What is new is that Alabama is apparently so cucked that the lying, liberal media’s incessant claims about Alabama’s revered controversialist, Judge Roy Moore, were enough to deny him the U.S. Senate seat that he otherwise would have won — and which the entire American people needed him to win.
What was the variable in the equation? It wasn’t race, since the black demographic has held pretty steady for a long time at around 26 percent of the state population. As usual, the black voting bloc voted 95 percent for the socialist, pro-abortion, anti-white Democrat. In an ethnostate that voting bloc thankfully wouldn’t skew things in the wrong direction. Liberals like Doug Jones wouldn’t stand a chance in the ethnostate. However, that skew is not new, and so it can’t be identified as the deciding factor in the electoral outcome. The Hispanic demographic is growing, but is not large enough to flip Alabama from red to blue as it has in Colorado, North Carolina, and Virginia since 2000.
The variable wasn’t religion, since both conservative and liberal branches of Christianity have steadily declined in the same leftward direction — with the exception of us die-hard traditionalists in the Alt Right. The variable wasn’t the media’s propaganda, since that too has held steady over the past several decades. The media has been biased towards the Left since at least 100 years if not earlier, as judged by my reading Edward Bernays’ Propaganda, Walter Lippmann’s Public Opinion, histories of the interwar period, and biographies of postwar presidents such as Nixon and Reagan.
The variable was a virulent new application of feminism to everyday intersexual interactions. TL;DR — Everything I don’t like is rape. Accuse a man of something a girl didn’t like — whether rape, an unwanted advance, a pat on the back, or a remark and voila — case closed. Job lost. Career ruined. Family shattered. Campaign for public office destroyed.
Roy Moore lost because feminists like Gloria Allred and cucks like Mitt Romney and Sen. Richard Shelby teamed up to take down men like President Donald Trump, Roy Moore, and those of us in the Alt Right. For their part, the cucks simply prefer to be good losers. It’s their place, and they want to remain there. Unfortunately, they drag the rest of us white conservatives down with them because they’re in our voting bloc. If only they could be permanently shifted into the Leftist/Democratic voting bloc…Ah, if only. That might happen sooner than you’d think, a la Charlie Crist.
The feminists are openly bent on our destruction. They have told a lie that the cucks believe, and which unsettles enough normal people that many of them refused to vote for Moore despite the fact that he’d support many very beneficial policies, like building the wall, deporting illegals, defending unborn children, repealing gay “marriage,” and so on. The lie boils down to whether or not a woman is independent from, or dependent on, a man. The feminists say she is independent. The Bible says she is dependent. If you answer “independent,” you go one way. If you answer “dependent,” you move in the opposite direction. Alabamians are increasingly moving in the wrong direction.
The lie of female independence is the one Eve believed about God when she chose to disobey God’s Word and eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. She chose to try to go her own way, and in that action became a rebel against God. Going along with, or resisting, that rebellion has always been the burden of women. Unlike the rebellion which Adam committed when he too ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, Eve’s rebellion was not just at God. It was against her husband, the man. Adam had only God to rebel against. He had no other higher authority against which to claim his independence. In successive generations men have rebelled against organized institutions and peers who hold more power and money than they do, but men typically don’t rebel against women, because they typically don’t feel like women have more power or wealth than they do by virtue of simply being female. Women indoctrinated by feminism, on the other hand, rebel against men for just being men. Feminists believe that men themselves are the problem, and that men possess more power and privilege than they do simply by virtue of being male. This is the sexual equivalent to non-whites and their self-hating white allies griping about “white privilege.” Eve and her heirs in NOW, NARAL, Planned Parenthood, and all the pussy hats want to deconstruct masculinity and male privilege in the same way that the Pharisees and Tim Wise have always worked to deconstruct white privilege. They want to abolish masculinity in the same way that they want to abolish whiteness. Whether they abolish it by perverting it into cuckoldry and effeminacy, or total eradication, is irrelevant. Both means accomplish the same end: the neutering of their perceived enemies.
The #MeToo campaign is unfortunately one more effort in Eve’s campaign to rebel against Adam and God. To say so in no way disregards real harms committed by some men against women. We have laws and morals against those harms, and white Christian men support those codes. There is such a thing as real sexual assault, and it’s not something to be ignored. It’s horrible. It’s also codified in each state’s laws, and thus is not something that snowflake feminists and their beta orbiters should feel free to accuse men of without evidence, and with the expectation that we should regard them as inerrant, totally honest witnesses. Victims of crimes have rights and deserve fair treatment. However, those accused of crimes also have rights and deserve fair treatment. The system must protect both parties in order to avoid trampling on either, and producing what we have now, which is a society in which the most immoral, degenerate people have more protections than the ordinary and morally above-average people.
The #MeToo campaign, and feminism in general, is not about enforcing our laws and morals. It is about destroying masculinity. It is about destroying nationalism. It is about making women like God, just as Satan promised Eve in the Garden of Eden.
Alabama apparently has a lot of fallen Eves and a lot of cucked Adams.
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