America UnMoored: Roy Moore and the Battle for the Soul of America
The initial tally is concluded and according to the figures at hand, Blacks voted in near unanimity (96%) against the Christian candidate Roy Moore and for Doug Jones, who can[…]
Occidental Christianity for preserving Western Culture and People
The initial tally is concluded and according to the figures at hand, Blacks voted in near unanimity (96%) against the Christian candidate Roy Moore and for Doug Jones, who can[…]
On Monday thousands of white South Africans participated in protests against ‘farm attacks’ and ‘farm murders’. The ongoing genocide of whites in South Africa, and in particular white farmers, has[…]
Since cucks are marked not simply by their manifest error on the racial question (among other edgy topics), but by a remarkable fear that leftists would accuse them of answering[…]
There’s something about Floyd Mayweather that terrifies Conor McGregor, but it’s not his skills as a boxing champion. It’s the fact that he is a black man. If you’ve followed[…]
George Will continues to abandon even the slightest pretense that he is genuinely conservative. Granted, it’s been quite a while since Will has fooled any actual conservatives into thinking that[…]
Are you familiar with the Parable of the Good Samaritan? You can find it in Luke 10:25-37 and it goes something like this: A certain insufficiently democratic Middle Eastern country[…]
With his character and agenda thus firmly established during his first term, Obama defeated hapless corporate Mormon cuck Mitt Romney in 2012. Despite the fact that Mittens handily won the[…]
The day I finally acknowledged that if voting could actually change anything it would be illegal, my ulcers miraculously cleared up and they haven’t reappeared. Having said that, I, along[…]
In the wake of the coordinated ambush against Donald Trump by the globalist media, the #NeverTrump/RINO GOP establishment, and Hillary Clinton’s campaign, some are calling for registered Republican voters to[…]
As Conservatives trudging through the mire of a revolutionary era, we find ourselves in a growing state of stupefied awe at the belligerent banality of the Left. And, no matter[…]
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Faith and Heritage is a webzine presenting the views of Occidental Christians who are determined to preserve both Western Civilization and Western Peoples.
Remember the days of old; consider the years of many generations; ask your father, and he will show you, your elders, and they will tell you. When the Most High gave to the nations their inheritance, when he divided mankind, he fixed the borders of the peoples according to the number of the sons of God. - Deuteronomy 32:7-8