The Beginning of the NFL’s End
Between the concussions/CTE, political correctness, and plain ineptitude by Roger Goodell, the National Football League is going to die. It won’t happen tomorrow, and its death throes will be violent and[…]
Occidental Christianity for preserving Western Culture and People
Between the concussions/CTE, political correctness, and plain ineptitude by Roger Goodell, the National Football League is going to die. It won’t happen tomorrow, and its death throes will be violent and[…]
While we’re on the topic of leftist militancy in tennis – the very first man to be ranked world number one in the professional era of tennis, the Romanian Ilie[…]
Well, that is of course not exactly true. Being a female pastor, she is not “one of us”, so, like almost all female professional athletes, she’s embraced feminism over the Word[…]
ESPN — which I’ve long called the Every Semite Possible Network due to its preponderance of Jewish sportscasters and writers (spend some time at to gape at the domination[…]
This weekend, untold multitudes across the country and around the world will watch the Super Bowl. Whether or not that is a good thing (and it’s not) is the subject[…]
I have a decidedly love/hate relationship with sports. On the one hand sports fandom has been a part of my life since childhood. On the other hand, sports in postmodern[…]
The National Hockey League regular season got underway Wednesday, Oct. 12. The league, long known for its snow-white lineup and combination of brawny American athleticism with European finesse, is an[…]
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Faith and Heritage is a webzine presenting the views of Occidental Christians who are determined to preserve both Western Civilization and Western Peoples.
Remember the days of old; consider the years of many generations; ask your father, and he will show you, your elders, and they will tell you. When the Most High gave to the nations their inheritance, when he divided mankind, he fixed the borders of the peoples according to the number of the sons of God. - Deuteronomy 32:7-8