It seems that not a week goes by these days without some new scientific discovery, advance, or study coming out to undermine Franz Boas’s Marxist egalitarian anthropology. Biology and genetics are by no means deterministic; however it is also most certainly true that our genetics have a large effect on our abilities and who we are going to be as people before we even draw our first breath. Further, these genetic characteristics are hereditary and vary by racial group. Equality, even on the genetic level, is a myth. The fact that it is a myth, despite the continued frantic propaganda by the establishment to the contrary, is starting to gain a wider audience, especially with the help of wildly popular personal DNA ancestry tests like 23andMe. But the increasing awareness of the anti-egalitarian nature of racial genetics is creating pushback from the establishment. The FDA recently ordered 23andMe to stop providing their customers with information on the diseases to which their racial makeup makes them most prone. You can get your DNA tested and your ancestry pinpointed on that basis as an idle hobby, but if you dare to draw real-world implications from that, then you’re an evil racist.
Last week, an article came out discussing with alarm the rise of what it termed scientific “neoracism.” I’m really not sure what this “neoracism” thing is all about. If, as the article claims, this is a throwback to the 1920s-1940s scientific racism, then wouldn’t this be “paleoracism” or just “racism”? Notice from the Wikipedia article that scientific racism was “discredited” via the incredibly authoritative means of a United Nations convention declaring to be so. But I guess attaching “neo” to something just makes it that much more scary: neofacism, neonazism, neoconfederate, neosegregationist, and now neoracism – very, very, very scary.
You might not find the “ignore the fact that the entire scientific foundation of our ideology is being undermined, focus on the racism, raaaacism, raaaaaaacism” thesis of the article to be very convincing, BUT WOULD IT CHANGE YOUR MIND IF I POSTED A PICTURE OF HITLER!?!?!?!
As a sidenote, I have a prediction. Based on the complete tone-deafness and ideological embracing of Marxism by the modern “church,” I expect to see the majority of the western “church” come together to officially denounce the idea of genetic racial differences as heretical just prior to the announcement that these differences have been systematically conclusively proven.
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