If Trump doesn’t send them all back, he’s just another GOPe hack!
It’s not that Trump turned on us as people in the Alt Right or as a movement; he did that and we knew he had to, for political reasons in mitigating criticisms that might influence undecideds or normies.
It’s that Trump is turning on the policy that will save our people, our nation, and our children. If he is indeed doing that, then what is Trump? He was never a constitutionalist, though his stated policies on guns and taxes sounded great. He was never a Christian social conservative, though his stated policy on abortion sounded ok and his stance against Common Core was ok. His stated policy on homosexual marriage, adoption, and general social acceptance of perversion was terrible and always has been. His stated policy on trade sounded great, and that has been a great source of appeal to us on the Alt Right. His vague promise to undo Obamacare has always sounded suspect.
But his main appeal has been an explicit promise to send back the barbarians within our gates, to stop more of them from coming in, and to erect not only legal, but physical, barriers to prevent them from entering again.
He’s already watered down part of that by walking back his explicit promise to keep out Muslims, by instead vowing to keep out people from countries with a history of terrorism. Yeah, that would also keep out the Scots-Irish.
So if he flip-flops on amnesty and deportation too, what is left for us to love about Trump? If he backpedals during the campaign season on protecting us from invaders, what will stop him from backpedaling even further when he’s already got the White House and no longer feels the need to moderate for purposes of winning the office? I mean moderate for our purposes, not for so-called moderates’ purposes. We’re the reason he is where he is today. Sure, he needed his media platform and name recognition to catapult him into the mix last summer. And his gut instinct about how to play the media and his opponents has been invaluable as well. But without us – and the policy goals we love, such as mass deportation, the wall, and the end of white genocide in America and the West – he would just be what he is quickly on his way to becoming. Like Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter have both pointed out in their comments on Trump’s flip-flop, a Trump immigration policy that stops short of mass deportations is simply what Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio offered to the public.
If Trump doesn’t send them all back, he’s just another GOPe hack!
Trump without our Alt Right brand of white American nationalism is just another liberal in cucks’ clothing.
For now, the jury is still out on whether or not Trump has really changed, or is just doing his normal A/B testing of public opinion. My wife Mary asked me when we’ll know whether Trump is a race traitor or not. In my opinion, at the latest it’ll be when he gives his speech on immigration this week. If he stops short of, or waters down, his promise to deport all the illegals, that’s all I need to know. If he’s just another Republican, I’ll treat him like just another Republican.
Let me make this clear. Severing our ties with Trump was inevitable. We knew that he would moderate his message. We knew that from time to time we would need to agree to disagree, and push him to fulfill his pledges, once he got into the White House. It was inevitable that he would waffle and want to compromise. The only surprising thing is that (1) he is softening his stance on his trademark issue, immigration, as opposed to secondary issues that we did not see as vital, and (2) he is doing it before he no longer needs us to attain his goal of winning the White House. I think both of these surprises are mistakes on his part. You don’t alienate your base before you can afford to do so – as Ann Coulter wrote in her recent book – and as any good marketer will tell you.
Forget how you and I will vote. Unless you’re in a swing state, that question is overrated. Think instead about how you and I will influence whether Trump champions our policy goals as a candidate and as a president. If Trump is truly not one of us, and won’t even follow through on the few policies we needed him to champion as president, we had better hurry up and become the disloyal opposition we knew we needed to become in the event of a Trump presidency.
Our long-term goal has never been to see Donald Trump as president. That has always been a tactical means to the strategic end. The end is, and always has been, to secure the existence of our people and a future for white children. On this all Alt Right and white nationalist people can agree.
If Trump is not going to send them all back, he is simply another Jeb Bush lesser-of-two-evils running against Hillary. Yes, Hillary would be worse. Yes, any Republican would “give us more time.” But would you get riled up and work hard to get Jeb Bush in office so America can go off the cliff at a slower rate of speed than Hillary? No. We don’t want to die more slowly – we want to live.
It’s important that the Alt Right resist the impulse to act like what we used to be. With the exception of those who grew up red-pilled, we have all spent years as cucks or bleeding-heart liberals. And what do cucks and liberals do when politicians lie to them and use them? They go through the five stages of grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. They roll over and die and say, “It’s ok, I still support you.”
We are no longer cucks or liberals. We have to respond to abusive politicians differently now. We have to confront them and destroy them. It‘s the only language they understand and respect. This is especially true of Trump. He is a man of results. For all his swagger and rhetorical skill, he is still someone who yields to superior force. When he is convinced that he can’t win, he goes through the stages of grief, too. Several weeks ago he caved in to Reince Preibus, Paul Ryan, and John McCain following his bad PR week with Khazir Khan. So we know it can be done.
For the sake of the future of the Alt Right, it is imperative that the Alt Right not simply go through the stages of grief if, indeed, Trump has abandoned his promise to whiten America through mass deportations. We must confront and defeat him instead. We must make him bargain and make concessions to us.
In a way, it’s a good thing that we can start doing this during the fall so that in case he does still take the White House, we’ll be ready to leverage our power during the first 100 days of a Trump Administration, when the wall, deportations, and amnesty will be high on the agenda.
I hope Trump isn’t actually a cuck. It’s been fun riding the Trump Train all year. But the point of the Trump Train isn’t the ride – it’s the destination.
If he is indeed not going to send them all back, the Alt Right needs to respond forcefully, and unhesitatingly, by going after Donald Trump – the dethroned god-emperor – and skewering him like the Jeb Bush-esque race traitor he is. With all the time, money, memes, and prayers we have at our disposal, we must press on with our assault on the cuck/lib duopoly that is killing our nation and our people.
If that means politically taking out Donald Trump – the candidate, or the president – then so be it.
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