In the last couple years Black violence has become harder to ignore in part because the crescendo is building, but more so due to the whelming ubiquity of cameras. The incriminating footage is not by and large being gathered by the victims: the main sources chronicling the Black war on Whites are CCTV systems, police dash and body cams, and the cell phone cameras of the Black perpetrators themselves. The latter document their assault, rape, and murder of Whites for two reasons — to relive those moments again and again, and to publicly revel in their revanchism and broadcast to the world their continuing war on the White race. And why not, they may reason, when the media, Hollywood, academia, and – more’s the pity – the churches, now only affirm them in their hellish schadenfreude.
Of course, the behavior — mass Black–White violence (which happens to be the one sort which the MSM conspicuously ignores) — in itself is nothing new at all. It was recognized as the norm of their behavior when the forced integration of Blacks into White schools introduced violence theretofore unknown to White communities of the time. But Dabney testified in his Defense of Virginia that even as far back as Reconstruction — the first forced integration — it was not unusual to see Black kids shoving White kids off sidewalks, forcing White children to walk in the streets, and posing an ever-present threat of rape.
The recent phenomenon dubbed “the knockout game” by the media is not new; when I was a kid it was known simply as “sucker-punching,” or “getting jumped.” Honestly, typical Black behavior. So describing it as a new ‘game’ was no doubt both to minimize its severity in the public mind and to portray it as a sudden fad. We know this was the motivation in part because whether filmed in Philadelphia, Atlanta, or San Diego, the targets of this supposed ‘game,’ the MSM assured us, were chosen purely at random, but virtually always turned out to be White people, thus revealing the common bias of both the attackers and the media. It conforms entirely to the uniform anti-White agenda of the media as well as the what used to be acknowledged frankly as the standard predilections of unsupervised Blacks.
But that nomenclature itself — ‘knockout game’ — was not the lingo of Blacks. That was the media’s euphemism for what Blacks otherwise called “polar bear hunting.”
The connotation of which was that they saw themselves as ‘hunting’ northerly white beasts. Though it often ended with a single blow KO, it also encompassed frequent rapes, lethal bludgeonings, stabbings, shootings, and even immolations. This was the true conception of the ‘knockout game’ on the part of the participants: race war; the subjugation and extermination of the White genome. But calling it a game makes it seem like suburban teen angst and, you know, “boys will be boys.”
However, the Black vernacular for this rite deserves some consideration for its poignant, albeit wholly unintended, correspondence with the well-worn sermon illustration about Eskimo hunting practices. That illustration goes something like this. Polar bear hunting by Eskimos was not traditionally conducted the way White men hunt grizzlies with big bore guns; legend has it the traditional method of the Inuit was both clever and cruel: they were said to plunge a double-edged knife into a bucket of seal blood, and, drawing it wet into the frigid air, allow the gore to freeze on the blade. This process was repeated until the stiletto was entirely sheathed in a bloody icicle. Then they buried the handle in the ground, leaving the blood-frosted blade upright. The great white bear, drawn to the smell and finding the frozen treat, would begin to lick. His tongue would be numb by the time the razor’s edge was exposed. Hot blood would mingle with cold, and the bear would gulp it down. This would only encourage more vigorous licking, shredding his tongue to ribbons. He would thus feast on his own lifeblood until totally exsanguinated. Thus succumbs the apex predator, noble bear of the north – not with the roar and battle for which he was built, but in confused indulgence and somnolent suicide prearranged by the cunning stratagem of remote men.
Providentially, things come full circle. The rampant Black mob violence in our country dubbed by the media as a ‘knockout game,’ i.e. ‘polar bear hunting,’ is itself the design of remote men who hunt the White bear by the subtleties of concept. They have similarly baited us with the blood of sundry races whom they accuse us of injuring past and present. And in direct proportion to our apostasy from Christ’s blood atonement, our folk are provoked by the accusative scent of guilt. And so incensed, we taste that coppery guilt, and tasting, we are cut to the quick. Neither for truth nor nourishment, but for the indulgence of the taste. Having spurned Christ’s acquittal, our people have been beguiled by the Accuser’s narrative of our history. Columbus Day becomes Calumnious Day. It is no longer unusual to hear a supposedly conservative Christian declare the Christian settlers the moral inferiors of the Heathen cannibals whom they displaced. Absurd beyond words. In apostasy we prefer to wallow in the agonies of false guilt in aims of self-atonement rather than rest in Christ’s final atonement and the good which His Kingdom wrought in the White Man’s history. And to the extent that we indulge the Accuser’s narrative we shall be bled for that guilt, of which Rushdoony writes:
The reality of man apart from Christ is guilt and masochism. And guilt and masochism involve an unshakeable inner slavery which governs the total life of the non-Christian. The politics of the non-Christian will thus inescapably be the politics of guilt. . . . Guilt must be projected, therefore, on all those who oppose this new order and new age.1
Rushdoony goes on in the same work to explain that the White Man’s guilt-driven masochism moves in binary orbit with the Black’s (and non-White’s generally) revanchist sadism. Inasmuch as the apostatized White Man submits himself to crucifixion to atone for his (and in him, the world’s) sins, the other races pour out their boundless wrath upon this scapegoat in their own designs of self-atonement via blood sacrifice. Both the White Man’s post-Christian masochism and the non-White’s heathen sadism are inverse forms of the same rebellion — self atonement and, therefore, to whatever extent they imagine it a Christian ethic, denotative of a counterfeit Christ. This is so both within and without the churches.
So as we watch the Southern Baptist Convention, the Presbyterian Church of America, American Vision, and so many other one-time socially and theologically conservative institutions spurning the Christian narrative for a heathen one, we must reckon with the fact that it is indicative of a much more dire underlying realignment of doctrine. Those supposed conservatives now conceding to Black Lives Matter (e.g. George Soros), and the Indian’s narrative of our settlement of the Americas, are acquiescing to a foreign soteriology, in which the White race is expected to save the world through its own self-sacrifice, appeasing the wrath of the hordes. PC Christianity, or Alienism, is not ultimately just a different social theory or political view from Christianity, but a different faith at its heart.
Alienism will eventually be recognized popularly for heresy and effectively anathematized. That much is inevitable. But that reprieve would seem to come only through the darkest passage — the mass human sacrifice-suicide of White apostates. That’s less future prediction than acknowledgment of present reality. As in the time of Israel’s forty years of wandering in the wilderness, and her eras of exile, those infidelitous lines must pass before restoration comes. And their passing comes foremost by the outworkings of their own worldview and the corollary recompense of their doings.
May the Lord keep and bless His remnant, for they shall inherit the earth.
- R.J. Rushdoony, The Politics of Guilt and Pity, p. 9 ↩
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