After UC Berkeley, the only question I have now is, how far will President Trump and his cultural allies go to win this war?
What we have witnessed in the few short weeks since Trump took office has been like a fast-forwarded highlight reel of the 1960s. We have seen literal Communists riot on college campuses, white people get beaten for their racial identity and their political views, feminists hold huge events nationwide and threaten to kill members of the Trump Administration, blacks boycott Trump’s inauguration, and elected Marxists in Congress drag their feet on routine cabinet confirmation votes, among other things.
Do I think that ordinary people will massively mobilize to fight a war in the streets over the “Muslim ban,” refugee program, Obamacare, or other progressive pet projects? No. But they didn’t during Vietnam or the Civil War, either, and on both of those occasions the Left got what they wanted.
During Vietnam, the Left used professional activists — like the ones who broke many laws at UC Berkeley last week — and a professional Marxist media machine to wear down popular support for the war in Indochina. The masses didn’t take action because then, as always, they were more concerned with their everyday affairs like work, kids, recreation, and so on. The Left didn’t offer the masses jobs or sports leagues or armies to join during the 1960s, so the masses never really get behind the cultural revolution. However, the activists and media put enough pressure on the politicians and big businesses to win the day.
During Lincoln’s war, the Left used the infrastructure and credibility of the federal government and federal armed forces to mobilize enough of the population to make its war a successful endeavor. The Northern masses did take part in that effort because there was money, fame, and battlefield glory to be had.
Today, apart from the Supreme Court and the civil service, Marxists do not control the levers of federal power like they did in Lincoln’s day. That means that they can’t offer the masses a credible reason to mobilize against Trump. However, the Left does have paid activists and an evil, deceptive media on its side, so events like the recent cat lady march, the anarchist riots, and the Chicago kidnapping are due to multiply. It’s the only trick the Marxist ponies can perform at present, but it may be enough to win the day. The lamestream media will continue to do their best to wear down support for Trump and his policies, just as they did in the 1960s with Vietnam, the Christian social order, etc. If Trump lets them, they will win.
We truly live in Obama’s America, regardless of whether or not Obama is in the White House. Sodomites “marry,” other weirdos will do so soon, pedophiles are inching closer to legal status, hordes of Third Worlders (foreign & domestic) swarm our streets, Communists riot at will and face little repercussions for their illegal actions, and women disrespect their husbands like Vashti, and murder their babies, every day.
Conservatives lost the last cultural civil war in the 1960s, and we’ve been getting strangled ever since. The cultural war Pat Buchanan spoke about at the 1992 Republican National Convention in Houston was just an echo of what his paleoconservative predecessors had said for decades prior in the 19th and 20th centuries.
We who remain today are just the remnant of a once-proud and dignified civilization. By God’s grace it could be resurrected, but in human terms we are on the brink of irreversible disaster.
So again — how far will Trump and his supporters go to win this war?
Will President Trump and his supporters use the means of federal power at their disposal to crush their opposition? Or will he and they content themselves with the pleasure of illusory, temporary power? Will a smug sense of righteousness tide them over until their power slips away when, in due time, term limits and media-manufactured public opinion shifts power back into the hands of the Marxists?
Will we be contented then with Pepe memes and the idea that we have won battles online? None of those things will be meaningful when taxes are levied, laws are passed, and people bring violence to your doorstep.
As a Christian, I understand fully the importance and role of ideas. But ideas are merely the prelude to, and sustainer of, power in motion.
If Trump and the remnant supporters of Western civilization don’t faithfully, rigorously establish a power base that will sustain our people and values over the long term, the next time the Left comes into power I don’t anticipate that the Left will let a small thing like due process or the Electoral College stop them from achieving their utopian society.
Look at the world of sports for an illustration. Do you know why no one takes the Cleveland Browns or the Phoenix Coyotes seriously? Because they lose on a consistent basis, and nobody respects or trusts someone that loses as much as, or more than, they themselves.
If we and Trump don’t win now, the masses will never again give us the chance to do so. We will lose the respect and trust of the masses to the Left. It’s only by God’s grace that we’ve even got this chance. Let’s not blow it.
Mr. President, you’re not Nixon, and this isn’t 1969. Don’t be concerned with the Left’s blowback. Do you know why people hate the New York Yankees and the New England Patriots? Because those sports dynasties win so much of the time. As sinners, most people are filled with envy and jealousy when they see someone other than themselves succeed as often as they themselves fail. The Left is all about sin, and their ideology is based on envy and jealousy along racial, class, gender, and other lines.
People love a winner. Mr. President, you’re a winner. It’s what you do. That’s why we elected you. To Make America Great Again. And we’ll stand behind you all the way while you’re winning.
Just win, Mr. President. Don’t hesitate to use all the means at your disposal. Don’t hesitate to burn bridges or build walls. Just win for us. The other side doesn’t care about propriety or legal authority. Neither should you. After all, the Left’s last bastion of power in the judiciary has twisted American law as badly as the Pharisees did with the Old Testament, and their purported authority didn’t stop our Lord Jesus Christ from opposing them to their faces.
Mr. President, tear down UC Berkeley. Tear down California as a sanctuary state. Tear down Rahm Emanuel’s grip on Chicago. Tear down the Old Gray Lady. Tear down CNN. Tear down all the purveyors of fake Leftist news.
Just win for us.
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