The first article of mine to appear on Faith and Heritage was published back on September 15th, 2016. It’s called “PCA Pastor Tim LeCroy: Churches Should Be More Like Gay Night Clubs,” and you should read it if you haven’t. Not because I’m a great writer, but because you need to know what’s actually going on in the Presbyterian Church in America denomination. It’s outrageous. Read it for yourself, and you’ll see that my title doesn’t exaggerate at all. Rev. Tim LeCroy, a pastor in the “conservative, Bible-believing” PCA, actually wrote an article accusing Christian churches of being places where homosexuals aren’t “safe”, and calling for them to become more like gay night clubs, where gays can “feel free to be who they really are without fear.”
At the end of the article, in passing, I mentioned that, according to Twitter itself, Tim LeCroy was following a couple of very nasty Twitter accounts:
Now, I’m pretty jaded, so I wasn’t very shocked when I read Rev. LeCroy’s article. However, I must say I did get quite a shock when I checked out his Twitter page. Yes, it’s full of the same PC anti-Christian/anti-white hatred, but I expected that. What I didn’t expect was that if you scroll down a little, you’ll see a notice from Twitter from October 2015:
Timothy LeCroy followed lgbt vibes., adult star lover, mike khandjian and 17 others.
LGBT Vibes is pretty much exactly what you’d expect it to be.
Adult Star Lover is a Twitter account that’s filled with vile, hardcore pornography.
I’m sure Rev. LeCroy only follows these pages so he can witness to them more effectively.
I didn’t make a huge deal of it, because, frankly, it’s the rare man indeed who has never checked out a few dirty pictures on the internet. I was just shocked that, according to Twitter, Tim LeCroy was following these hardcore pornographic Twitter accounts. And, while I thought it was disgusting, and worth mentioning, in my view what LeCroy said about churches needing to become more like gay night clubs was even more disturbing.
After the article was published, I forgot all about the Twitter stuff. Until a few weeks ago, when the Truth’s Table Gender Apartheid scandal erupted. Tim LeCroy was leading the defense of the Truth’s Table women who were openly preaching anti-Christian garbage. I found a link to his page where he had posted an article attacking people for criticizing the heretics. That made me curious to see if he’d written anything else controversial recently, so I googled his name.
And lo and behold, what should appear at the very top of the search results?
A paid ad from the PCA’s Missouri Presbytery:
Defending Pastor LeCroy – Missouri Presbytery Statment (sic)
Concerning false allegations made against Pastor LeCroy on the internet
Whoa! What have we here, I wondered? Who else is writing about Rev. LeCroy, for what reason, and what “false allegations” have been made about him?
So I clicked on the link, and to my surprise, they’re accusing Faith and Heritage of lying about Tim LeCroy:
Ministerial Oversight Committee
Missouri Presbytery
Presbyterian Church in America
The Ministerial Oversight Committee of Missouri Presbytery, having met with T.E. Tim LeCroy concerning damaging reports posted against him on the website Faith and Heritage, do testify on his behalf that these postings have absolutely no ground in fact. Accusations against him with regard to viewing pornographic or other inappropriate sites on the internet are false.
Tim has, in the entire course of his ministry among us, practiced safeguards and accountability such as the use of Covenant Eyes on his computer and other mobile devices, providing weekly reports to other accountability partners as to his viewing habits. Tim has, for the past 11 years, maintained an accountability with his fellow pastor and friend, Brian Steadman, who unreservedly testified to Tim’s consistent purity in this area. That testimony has been attached. This testimony has the additional backing of the accountability group to which Tim and Brian belong.
While the Scripture doesn’t even allow unsubstantiated accusations against an elder to be entertained, we have written this declaration as to Tim’s character in order to provide the greatest level of protection for a faithful pastor in Christ from irresponsible and reckless accusations.
For the Glory of Christ,
T.E. Michael Kennison, Kirk of the Hills P.C.A.
For The Ministerial Oversight Committee
Attached testimony from Brian Steadman:
I am writing on behalf of my friend, Tim LeCroy, in light of the recent online attack he received. For over 11 years, Tim and I have been holding one another accountable to faithful obedience to the Lord Jesus. We have also participated in a pastoral accountability group with five other pastors for the past 11 years. Among many things, this has included regularly asking if we are resisting the temptation to look at pornographic material online or from other sources. I along with others from our group receive weekly reports from Covenant Eyes, the monitoring software Tim has installed on his computer and mobile devices. It is with full confidence that I believe Tim’s word that he did not look at or follow the two pornographic sites on Twitter implied by the author of the blog post in question.
I am available to answer any questions or provide any further support if needed.
In Christ,
Brian Steadman
Pastor, Resurrection Brooklyn, EPC
Friends, this accusation by Missouri Presbytery that Faith and Heritage and I falsely accused Tim LeCroy is a flat-out lie. For one thing, I never said that he followed “two pornographic sites on Twitter.” There are no “sites” on Twitter, pornographic or otherwise. There are Twitter accounts, and the people who own these accounts post short bits of information, called tweets, on their “feed.” These tweets can be text, links, photos, you name it. In fact, a very high percentage of tweets are indeed photos, and many accounts tweet little else but photos. You can follow an account’s feed and its tweets will then start showing up on your homepage. And all I did was point out that, according to Twitter itself, Tim LeCroy had followed two very nasty Twitter accounts, not “sites.” So this talk about pornographic “sites” is nonsense. The writer is either being extremely careless or deliberately disingenuous.
Secondly, they claim that Tim LeCroy couldn’t have followed these Twitter accounts because he uses Covenant Eyes. I’ve never used it, but from what I understand, Covenant Eyes doesn’t actually block a user from accessing pornographic material on the internet, but instead informs his accountability partner or partners of the web addresses he has actually visited. A person who is familiar with Covenant Eyes told me that if someone using the program followed porno accounts on Twitter, their accountability partner would never know it, because, as long as the user didn’t actually click on any of the tweets by the porno accounts, the only URL that would show up on their log would be the user’s own Twitter homepage. And they would be free to view the dirty pictures from these accounts’ feeds on their homepage and their accountability partners would never know.
Finally, when I wrote the article I figured someone might accuse me of making this stuff up. So I took actual screenshots of Tim LeCroy’s Twitter homepage. He has now blocked it to the public, by the way. No one can view his activity unless they first write him and ask to be approved to do so. Which is awfully strange behavior from a man who has nothing to hide, especially a minister of the Gospel.
But here’s the proof that the PCA’s Missouri Presbytery has falsely accused me and Faith and Heritage of lying about Tim LeCroy. We’re not lying. What I said in the article is absolutely true:
What I didn’t expect was that if you scroll down a little, you’ll see a notice from Twitter from October 2015:
Timothy LeCroy followed lgbt vibes., adult star lover, mike khandjian and 17 others.
LGBT Vibes is pretty much exactly what you’d expect it to be.
Adult Star Lover is a Twitter account that’s filled with vile, hardcore pornography.
(By the way, I was mistaken about LGBT Vibes. I assumed it was a pro-gay political site. But it’s nothing but short, explicit videos of women having lesbian sex.)
And here are the actual screenshots, from Tim LeCroy’s Twitter page. We hate having to post this kind of stuff, but the Missouri Presbytery has left us no choice by calling us liars. This is the only way we have of proving that we’re telling the truth.
These images would most definitely be NSFW, so they’re censored. Otherwise these screenshots are exactly as they appeared on Tim LeCroy’s Twitter page in September 2016. See for yourself:
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