Jack Dempsey famously described the mechanics of superior punching as “stumbling.” And this may be exactly what Trump is doing when he awkwardly pitches into one PC totem after another.
Or he may just be stumbling.
Or maybe it’s six of one and a half dozen of the other.
Regardless, one such stumbling blow was evident in adviser Stephen Miller’s junket on the prospect of rescinding DACA. Responding to accusations from correspondent Jim Acosta that the administration is violating some eternal open border policy defined by Emma Lazarus’s sonnet, The New Colossus, Miller raised inconvenient truths on the subject: foremost, that the poem was a late addition to the Statue of Liberty, neither law, nor consistent with the law. These points an incredulous Acosta met with accusations of “revisionism,” and countered with his understanding that Lady Liberty was placed on Ellis Island from the founding as an announcement to the world that ours was a borderless equalitarian marketplace of the whole world. Like Walmart.
Which brings me to the point of this article: the administration was, of course, right. Incontestably so. So why does the Press Corps believe this alternate history? And with such cocksure conviction that the actual history on the subject is entirely foreign to them?
While we are all quite aware of the liberal narratives as taught in the state sausage factories, it is remarkable that otherwise ejukated liberals are so completely insulated from the traditional (true) history.
The typical liberal narrative of American history is one of paradox. Or more accurately stated, self-contradiction. On one hand they posit that America was founded as a secular egalitarian ‘propositional nation’ outpost of borderless one-world government (the Comintern, basically), and on that basis, worthy of all praise and fealty. And on the other hand, that it was also founded as an exclusionary Christian White Supremacist Patriarchy worthy of eternal contempt and all the violence that may be visited upon those who yet resemble it in any way. Depending on the circumstance, they may turn on a dime to argue either direction.
But woe betide any son of man who does not profess allegiance to this incoherent manicheanism, or who dares defend the old chauvinism. For that White Christian Patriarchy is the Liberal’s proximate definition of evil. And so associated, no extremity against you is out of bounds.
But the Ellis Island ‘nation of immigrants’ myth depicting America as a secular polyglot boardinghouse is an anachronistic inversion. From the 1880s, specifically. That’s when, as the record shows, the concept was first introduced to these shores.
At that time and until the last two decades of the nineteenth century, immigration brought us almost exclusively European people whose ideals were those of Western Christian civilization. . . . After 1880, however, our immigration shifted sharply to include millions from Southern and Eastern Europe. Almost all of these people were less sympathetic . . . to the ideals of the United States and a very large portion of them were non-Christians [Jews] who had no intention whatever of accepting the ideals of Western Christian civilization, but had purposes of their own.1
This is what led to the affixation of Lazarus’s poem to the Statue in 1903 — the sudden numerical increase and rapid procurement of inordinate power by her insurgent people. And it must not go unnoticed that “she is an important forerunner of the Zionist movement. She argued for the creation of a Jewish homeland thirteen years before Theodore Herzl began to use the term Zionism.” Which means that simultaneous to her proffered vision of recreating America as a Babelite sewer comprised of “the wretched refuse of every teeming shore,” she conversely lobbied for the establishment of a Jewish ethnostate. Miscegenation for thee, but not for me.
But even if introduced in the 1880s, the Jewish reimagining of America as a ‘nation of immigrants’ would not begin gaining traction until the chant “Hey, hey! Ho, Ho! Western Civ has got to go!” rang out across our university campuses in the 1960s; nor would it approach mainstream sentiment till well after that.
Keep in mind, up until the mid-twentieth century, the Supreme Court continued to reaffirm the original American identity in conformity with the Act of 1790, that only “free White people of good character” were eligible for American citizenship. So Acosta’s Emmaean narrative of American identity is false on its face.
But even if Lazarus was a proto-Zionist, this inversion of the American narrative that she promulgated actually precedes the generation of Jews of which she was part. Because it was an incipient feature of Talmudism itself. Specifically, the principle known as Tikkun Olam, which may be translated, “Revolutionizing the World,” or even “New World Order.” This principle is otherwise elaborated in the American conservative Jewish “prayer for our country,” Siddur Sim Shalom: “May citizens of all races and creeds forge a common bond in true harmony to banish all hatred and bigotry.”
These, of course, while definitive of Leftist orthodoxy, were entirely alien values to old Anglo America, but entirely in line with Lazarus’s Sonnet.
Yes, Adviser Miller is himself part of the tribe, but that very thing may identify him as a ‘Dempsey Stumble’: false as Acosta’s assumptions may be, a Jew just might have been the only one politically capable of repudiating the liberal (Jewish) orthodoxy so firmly ensconced. No one else — certainly not a WASP — would be allowed to live it down. Which proves what Jewish Times columnist David Brooks called “the Jewish takeover of America.”
Even so, the usual suspects continue doubling down, heedless of the stumbling blow to their worldview.
The strange truth of the matter is, however, that Lady Liberty — that august gift from the Jacobinized French — supplanted the founding personification of America, Lady Columbia. Yes, the Christian maiden was replaced by the personification of the Roman goddess Libertas, who corresponds precisely to the Egyptian Isis, who features prominently in Jewish Kabbalism as the manifestation of Shekinah. Poem or no, those Jews in the 1880s sighting the light-bearing goddess in the harbor would necessarily see her for just that — the feminine aspect of their own heathen god.
So the Liberal mythos of an egalitarian propositional nation that Acosta presupposes to the exclusion of an awareness of the alternative is the distinctly Jewish vantage. But it has nothing to do with the original American view.
Whether or not this rare high-profile clash of narratives shall result in the genuine expungement of DACA, we do not yet know. The matter has been deferred for six months, but the brief reprisal of the founding view against the new age orthodoxy at least reminds our folk of the severity of the matter at issue: if things do not break our way on this, and soon, Acosta and the Lazarus cult may bury the old history so deep that virtually no one will know we ever had a country of our own.
And remembering will be a ‘hate crime’.
- John Beaty, The Iron Curtain over America, pp. 35-36 ↩
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