Idealism and naiveté are perilous. They disconnect a person from reality and create expectations that are bound to be disappointed. The idealist is therefore set up for failure, and those who enable his naiveté do him a disservice.
In our day, many in the West perceive our civilization as the final stop on the train ride of history. As Francis Fukuyama argued in his book The End of History and the Last Man, hundreds of millions of naive normies believe that postmodern Western liberalism is the crème de la crème of all that has ever or will exist among mankind.
What, then, will they feel when it disappears?
I think that they will feel like the readers of The City of God, who had lived through the sack of Rome by the Visigoths, heard the tales of the rape and murder of Rome’s inhabitants, and had to wrap their brains around a once-unthinkable thought: that Rome was neither eternal nor invincible. People across the political spectrum share this expectation. Whether committed SJWs or ardent conservatives, few outside the Alt Right or the prepper communities can conceive of a world in which liberal American society does not prevail. Heck, they can’t conceive of a world in which liberal American society does not exert its will overseas against foreign nations. It’s normal for them to hear about the U.S. military killing people overseas with drones, Tomahawk missiles, and more. They are nowhere near capable of thinking about their own American homeland being other than it is: the comfortable home of the black and the gay.
This era of comfortable yet deteriorating existence will come to an end. The major forces of history are quickly eroding the foundation of the safe, civilized, and prosperous world we in the West have known for centuries. The displacement of whites by non-whites; the disempowerment of strong men by feminists and their beta orbiters; the shaming of moral Christian citizens by literal cuckolds, sodomites, and pedophiles; the removal of our moral foundations by liberal and progressive thought leaders in academia, media, law, business, arts, and religion; the immutable laws of human nature and the created order; all these spell the downfall of the current year in all its manifestations. The question is whether it will be replaced by an even more Orwellian and dystopian existence, a la blackest Africa and Weimar Germany, or by a revitalized, Christian, natural society a la the Victorian Era.
Either way, our normie contemporaries are going to be up a psychological creek without a paddle when the diversity hits the fan.
Unlike St. Augustine’s day when European barbarians overran the Roman Empire, the ruins of our civilization will be under the control of ardently anti-white and anti-Christian forces. We will be in an even worse condition than St. Augustine, in my opinion. From the ashes of Rome rose the phoenix of the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, the Reformation, and the Age of Discovery. Out of the ashes of the postmodern West will rise…nothing. If the West falls and becomes yet another part of Arabia, black Africa, or Asia, the light that has illuminated the world for hundreds of years will have been extinguished. We will be as irrelevant and uninfluential as the Cloud People who inhabited the mountains of Peru before the arrival of the Spanish conquistadors.
Red-pilling people to these truths is an act of kindness whether or not they warmly receive the medicine. Memes such as #whitegenocide, #feminismiscancer, #repealthe19th, and their ilk, plus truths such as the disproportionate Jewish influence in society and the power of race and genetics over civilization, are preparing the psychological battlefield of people’s minds. Preparing them for a radically different society is both a help to them (since their current society will not last much longer in either case) and a help to us (in case they choose to side with our cause as opposed to the degenerate one).
In The City of God, St. Augustine explained to his contemporaries why Christianity was not the cause of Rome’s downfall, and how God is constantly building an alternative society to the humanistic, pagan one to which most fallen souls flock. The City of Man is full of depravity and demons, and is bound for destruction, but the City of God never falls despite persecution and hardship. Like St. Augustine’s contemporaries, we Westerners today are witness to the slow destruction of our once-great nations and empires. Most blue-pilled denizens of the West think that building the City of Man (whether Islamic, feminist, Green, progressive, etc.) is the way forward. Even many red-pilled members of the Alt Right think that the answer to the West’s woes is a return to the pagan Roman society that preceded St. Augustine. Pro-white Christians have the present-day challenge of explaining to both blue-pilled normies and red-pilled pagans why secularism and ancient paganism are not the way forward. This is a constant challenge and consumes much of our time. But if St. Augustine thought it was worth his time, it is worth our time as well. It is an act of love to prepare these unsuspecting souls for a future in which they must either repent and live, or pursue their sinful ends down even darker, more painful, and ultimately damned paths. Thank God that the era of the current year is coming to a close. Keep sowing red pills, and keep preparing to endure and prevail through the persecution.
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