Dear Readers and Friends of F&H,
It is with a sense of sadness and hope for the future that will cease publishing articles. All good things come to an end, and we believe F&H has served its purpose. The site will remain up indefinitely as an archive of the best Christian and truly pro-Western thought.
Since its launch in 2011, has been the preeminent Christian-worldview-based defender of Western civilization and peoples in a world gone mad. We have been encouraged in the meantime by the movement behind Donald Trump and the rise of a comprehensive alternative media ecosystem. The blossoming of thousands of blogs, podcasts, YouTube channels, etc, has completely changed the game. Our enemies have no hope of keeping our people permanently in their mental prison. The tools of liberation are there; those who seek shall find.
From the beginning, the purpose of F&H was to provide a robust theological defense of what people considered common sense 100 years ago. Our society has moved so fast down the slope of progressivism that few explicit historical defenses were available to us to defeat Marxist church infiltrators. The writers at F&H took up that challenge and the reference articles we produced in its first five years remain some of the best in existence at helping young Christians reconcile the righteous forms of ethnonationalism with the historical Christian faith. No matter how left-wing the churches become, the testimony of the Bible and history will stand to impeach them, and we know with absolute faith that somehow, somewhere, someday Christ’s Church will be liberated from its current Marxist captivity.
Until that time, we wish our brothers and sisters in Christ the best as they seek to raise their families in goodness and truth in this dark age. May the next generation fulfill their destiny as a rising dawn for truth and righteousness.
The Editors & Founders
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