Black Detroit versus White Seattle
The legions of politically correct Christians (alienists) lambast Kinists for daring to say that they would rather live among their own people. They scream “racist!” and “bigot!”, telling the world that Kinists are white supremacists, damned to hell for their racist sentiments. As a result, Kinists repeatedly explain their position, only to be misquoted by white alienists in their witch-hunt against their brethren. This constant battle drew Ehud Would to say, “It’d be safer to live in an atheistic white community for my family, than a black Christian community.” At this, alienists heap insult after insult, claiming we have no empirical data to back up such racist claims. They scoff, without ever attempting to falsify the statement.
As a result of their continuous rejection, I embarked on a short study on the differences between white communities and black. The research method was simple: find an average, mostly-white community with little Christian backing, and pit its crime statistics and overall community health against an equally sized black town with a higher percentage of Christians. With this goal, the sights were set on studying numerous communities across the country, carefully comparing data and verifying sources, in an attempt to get a feel on the differences between white and black communities.
The first stumbling block was sorting out the percentage of Christians in a given community. For instance, the Barna Research Group in a recent survey identified Shreveport, LA, as the most Christian city in America, with a whopping 98% Christian population.1 However, when consulting other research, based entirely upon congregation memberships and attendance, the number is vastly different.2 Barna’s staggering 98% falls drastically to 44.6% when a different and more accurate study is consulted.3 This number could be debated even further, as Barna recognized that 63% of Shreveport Christians claim to be liberal Democrats, which is in stark contrast to the tenets of Christianity. Therefore, for the purpose of this study, the more conservative figures based off of membership and attendances were utilized.
The second hitch was to try to find towns comparable not just in the size of their population, but in average income and poverty rate. It seemed that every black town I found claiming to be Christian had the majority of its citizens living at or below the poverty line, with a median family income drastically less than equally sized white towns. While crime has been proven time and again not to be based on environment, I did not want to give alienists a way to discredit the data. Therefore, I went to extraneous measures to find two towns which had a similar gross household income and a close poverty rate, but still had populations close in size. With that criterion, and after much digging, I finally found two that were a good comparison.
Before embarking on this journey, a few parameters need to be set. All demographic data was gathered from the latest U.S. Census estimates,4 which are careful to study trends in growth, income, and housing. Crime data was gathered from the annual uniformed crime report, compiled by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and displayed on their website, unless otherwise noted.5 With this useful and easy-to-use tool, only crimes committed within the city limits were considered; if they fell across the border, they weren’t considered. Likewise, while it is understood that people worship outside their hometown often, only churches which fell within the city limits of the town were listed in the total number of churches. However, the number of churches in the town did not affect the estimated number of Christians in any given area.
The White Atheist Community
Hayden, ID, is a quaint tourist town, nestled away in the heavily forested panhandle of Idaho, just across the border from Spokane, WA. This serene old town, built by miners and loggers, has grown at a slow but steady rate in the last decade, with friendly people, low crime, and serene mountain surroundings drawing new people to the area. Founded by white settlers, this town is still 94.1% white and has a population of around 13,190 people. During the summer tourist months, this number swells to over 20,000, with holiday weekends expanding to over 30,000 people, as snow-birders spend time in their summer lake cabins and R.V. parks fill to capacity.
Despite busy summer months, and despite the large number of travelers passing through on their way to Canada, the town still has one of the lowest crime rates in the Northwest and in the country. Shocking to most people new to the area, they do not even have a police department, but instead have a sheriff’s deputy who patrols the area as needed. In fact, it is not uncommon to see a citizen patrol car reporting suspicious activity to the sheriff, as that occurs even more frequently than a sheriff’s deputy report in this sleepy little town.
Also, contrary to popular sentiments that peaceful white areas are full of sexual predators, Hayden breaks this faux stereotype. There are twenty-nine registered sex offenders in the city limits, with fifteen of those having committed their crimes in another state.6 This low number equates to a little more than two tenths of one percent (0.2%) of the population being registered sex offenders. While the number may seem high to some, it’s still three hundredths of a percent below the national average (.23%).7
A large part of the growth in Hayden consists of retirees, who have made the mass exodus from the crime-stricken areas of California, Phoenix, and even large east coast cities. As can be expected, many of these new residents are non-Christian, with a large portion holding to atheism, agnosticism, or monotheistic Hinduism (hippies). Therefore, it is no wonder there are only eleven Protestant churches within the city limits. Coupled with this low number of churches is the fact that only 12.9% of the population claims to be Christian. In this fertile missionary ground, there are numerous hard-working whites who have never read any portion of the Bible and would not know one of its stories if it bit them.
Hayden is a perfect example of what an average small atheist town looks like. Yet, even though they are pagan, people still wave to each other, engage in small chat about local politics or happenings, and lend a hand to help their townsfolk. Volunteer programs, which are quite numerous, are always chocked full of happy volunteers, ready to give back to their community. It is a great place to raise a family, as well as fertile ground for Kinist-styled evangelism.
The Black Christian Community
On the other side of the country, deep in the Bible Belt, lies the small town of Riverdale, GA. What now is a bustling urban spread was once a railroad stop during the Reconstruction era, well known as a timber producer, selling yellow pine far and wide. As the forest gave way to fields, cotton and fruit orchards dominated, before eventually giving way to urbanites were employed in nearby Atlanta. While the farms are gone, this has not stopped the city from experiencing a 4% annual growth for the last decade. Currently sitting at a population of 15,326, with 74.7% of the population black and rising, the white population has crept down from 23% to 12.3% in the last decade.
Unlike its peaceful white contemporary, the streets of Riverdale are plagued by numerous gangs and miscreants who prey on the weaker citizens for thrills and an easy buck. To counter the crime, the local police force has 44 patrolling officers, with another 15 working on the administrative side, managing their hectic workload. Despite the large department, they still cannot keep up with the large volume of crimes committed in the area and rely heavily on the Clayton County Sheriff’s department, with its additional 260 patrolmen, in times of crisis — and crises almost seem to be a weekly occurrence. Despite this strong show of force, crime is still 179 times higher in Riverdale than Hayden, and the violent crime index is double the national average.
An example of the high crime trend in Riverdale is seen in the crimes committed over the last decade. There have been 16 homicides, 61 reported rapes, 552 armed robberies, and 638 aggravated assaults in the violent crime category. For property crimes, there have been 7,990 reports of theft, 2,268 burglary reports, and 1,422 vehicles stolen in the same time frame.8 This does not count the number of drug arrests, which number in the thousands per year for Riverdale.
Despite having just 2,000 more citizens (15% more) than Hayden, Riverdale has just over three times as many sex offenders, with more than three quarters of them having committed their crime(s) in the Riverdale area.9 Considering the total number of offenders, over two thirds are black. Their percentage of registered sex offenders in comparison to the population, sitting at almost six tenths of one percent (0.59%), is over twice as high as the national average.
After learning of a town of this size with such a high crime rate, one would expect there to be a very small Christian contingency, or possibly none at all. But the truth is that there are 53 Christian churches in the city limits, with dozens in neighboring communities. Polls indicate that 26.51% of residents are committed members of their church, with many more who attend sporadically. Despite their presence, welfare is more widely used, the neighborhoods are dirtier, and citizens are accustomed to living in fear they might be the next victim.
As sad as this story is, it is a fairly typical example of black community. The older people are pretty committed to their church and live a quiet life, but the younger generations are hell-bent on living a life of crime, trying to make an easy buck at the expense of others.
Comparing the Data
Before moving on, it is pertinent to discuss the deciding qualifier which makes these cities a fair comparison. Both Hayden and Riverdale have a similar median family income, with Riverdale’s being slightly higher at $42,323.10and Hayden at $40,87511 Likewise, they both are close in the number of people living below the poverty level, with Riverdale at 10.6% and Hayden at 9.2%. These numbers illustrate that despite the high crime in Riverdale, its families have a slightly higher income than the residents of Hayden, and therefore poverty is not a valid excuse for the high crime rate. Additionally, the cost of living in Hayden is higher, with the average home price around $198,498,12 while Riverdale’s average home price is $115,381.13 Thus, not only do Hayden citizens earn less, but they have to stretch their earnings thinner to afford the higher living cost. Yet Haydenites are not inclined to loot and steal to help pay their bills: they are content with working hard and taking care of what they have.
Below are statistics for the city of Hayden pitted against the city of Riverdale. To the right of each row of Riverdale’s data is a percentage of the difference between the two cities’ data for the corresponding data in each column. Note that the crime data analyzed for each town was taken from the same source and only represents the period of May 28, 2011 to November 28, 2011. Due to the fact that Hayden has no police force, all crime data for the town is added to Kootenai County crime statistics in the Uniformed Crime Reports, which represent a greater number than the crimes committed within the city limits of Hayden. An interesting aside is that the crime in Riverdale is higher than unincorporated Kootenai County in any given year.
From this data, two glaring conclusions can be made, both of which disrupt the egalitarian paradigm of alienists. First, while Christian citizens still represent a minority of Riverdale’s population, there are still 205% more Christians in Riverdale than in Hayden. Despite this vast difference, crime just for 2011 is already 179 times higher (17,900% higher) in Riverdale! This can only equate to one conclusion: the religion practiced in Riverdale bears little resemblance to biblical Christianity, and therefore it has little to no impact as a positive influence. Instead of slowing a dangerous trend, it is enabling criminals to commit more crimes.
The second and more obvious difference is a racial distinction. On one side of the spectrum lies Hayden, with a majority-white population, while in the opposite direction lies Riverdale with a majority-black population. Not only does this validate the statistic that blacks are more prone to commit both violent and property crimes, but it illustrates that the “Christian” black community is a much more dangerous place to live, especially for white people. Statistically, whites are much more likely to be the victims of violent crime at the hands of a black perpetrator than vice versa. This trend holds true in Riverdale, where the majority of crime is committed by blacks, with the minority white population as a prime target.
Another point, which has already been made but stands out with this data, is the argument that crime does not stem from poverty. This idea was popularized first by W.E.B. Dubois, in which he borrowed the nurture-over-nature idea from his Jewish friend, Franz Boas. Dubois argued that a black in an impoverished poor environment would lead a life of crime, ultimately dying young or spending life in prison; but if put into a developed financially stable environment, he would thrive. Just a study of these two towns throws this Boasian idea on its presumptuous head, showing that environment does not shape an individual, but instead their upbringing molds them into the person they will become. Therefore it should properly be asserted that Riverdale’s high crime is a product of failed child rearing, among other factors, and not a product of a lack of finances.
Therefore, the comparison of these two towns eloquently proves the claim that a pagan white community is a safer place to raise a family than a Christian black community. However, some will detract, claiming this was an isolated example, or that the data was padded. The hecklers, however, will not embark on their own study; they will simply dismiss this one as the ramblings of a racist. Therefore, because of their unwillingness to research on their own, let us briefly consider cities over 100,000 in population.
Cities over 100,000
It is getting more difficult to find cities with populations over 100,000 that are majority white in the U.S., but they still can be found. In each of these cases, a random black city was selected, and then a white majority city of equal size was selected. There was no attempt to try to find the safest white city; instead, a list on Wikipedia of the nation’s largest cities in ascending order was consulted.14 After the black city was selected, the closest white city of the same size was selected, regardless of its crime rate. While the data presented is not as exhaustive as the previous example, the comparison between race and crime can be seen in each scenario.
Another thing to note when considering the white towns is that each has had a huge influx of Hispanics into their city limits over the past decade. With this influx has been a huge increase in violent Latino gang violence, which has skewed the recent data slightly. For instance, just a decade ago, Seattle, WA, and Portland, OR, were not much smaller than they are now, yet crime was roughly half of what it currently is. Each of these cities has added in excess of 15,000 Hispanic gang members in each community just in the last five years, which has caused crime to skyrocket. However, despite the elevated crime due to the Hispanic gangs, each city listed below with a majority-white population still has crime that is far less frequent and intense than their contemporary black cities.
Centennial is a relatively new town, only ten years old, but it is a suburb of Denver, which is known as one of the most atheistic communities in America. As a result, churches do not dot the landscape of this bustling community as they do in Flint. While Flint is not overwhelmingly Christian, its Christian presence is estimated to be at least four times as large as Centennial, yet despite having more “Christians,” crime in Flint is 5.54 times higher. It should also be noted that Centennial property crime stats are slightly higher, since it is a more affluent city, bustling with private gated communities and large homes. It is therefore a favorite target for criminals that live within the Denver city limits.
When pitting Seattle against Detroit, another fair comparison can be made. Both are not too far off in population, and have a metropolitan area roughly the same size. In addition to this, both have a large industrial presence, which is the backbone of each city. The major difference, however, is that one is overwhelmingly white while the other is mostly black. Corresponding with this is the fact that the whiter town is a safer place to live, with Detroit having a 483% increase in violent crime over Seattle. This high crime rate has turned the Motor City into an urban wasteland, with once-committed large businesses leaving for safer cities. Contrarily, Seattle’s not only are industries growing, but new businesses of all sizes are setting up shop every year.
In fact, the only statistic in which Seattle beats Detroit is larceny types of theft. PC whitewashers would be quick to quip that this is proof that Seattle is just as bad a place as Detroit, but in doing so they would fail to properly understand this stat. To begin, larceny theft is not a violent crime, but is a property crime in which someone’s property is stolen from a jobsite, residence, business, public place, vehicle, classroom, or person. In most instances, it is as simple as someone’s leaving something of value in a public place, and someone else’s keeping it instead of turning it over to authorities. Aside from this, when economic demographics are considered, it helps clear up the picture even more. Seattle has over two times the annual income per family that Detroit has, while Detroit has a poverty level almost six times greater than Seattle. This equates to Seattleites having more possessions to steal. Combine this with the fact that Seattleites are a bit more lax because of their low crime, and it is little wonder that thieves in Seattle score more often than in Detroit. Another thing to consider is the rising number of gangs in the Seattle area, which thrive on petty theft as a source of income. The last factor in this equation is the high influx of illegal aliens into Seattle, many of whom are in the construction trades. As a booming town, many of Seattle’s thefts come as a result of illegal aliens stealing tools and material from jobsites. Therefore, before making the false assumption that Seattle’s higher number of theft makes it as bad as Detroit, one must consider all the factors that determine this figure.
Another statistc to consider is the murder rate in Detroit. For 2010, it was higher than the states of Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, and North Dakota combined.15 Note that these six states have a majority white population and are considered by most Protestant denominations to be mostly non-Christian. By contrast, Detroit is a city which has 1,460 churches in the city limits and over half its citizens claiming Christianity, and it constantly ranks in the top three most dangerous cities in America; it was even recently declared the most dangerous city in 2011.16 In a city that covers only 138 square miles and labels itself a black “Christian” city, people stand a higher chance getting murdered than they do in an area comprising roughly one-fifth the land mass of the continental United States, inhabited largely by white pagans. Stats like this are hard to ignore by alienists, yet somehow it never registers in their politically correct minds.
The last comparison into which we will dive is between Bend, OR, and Camden, NJ. As far as population goes, as well as the number of Christians, they are almost mirror images; yet their crime tells a more disturbing story. Camden has ranked in the top five most dangerous cities under 100,000 for the last decade,17 and currently has the highest crime rate of any city whose population ranges from 75,000 to 100,000.18 Pit this against Bend, which is one of the safer cities in America. Other factors besides geographical location and income must be considered, and a look at the demographics gives the answer. Bend, like other majority-white towns, is low in crime, while Camden, being mostly black and Hispanic, is typical of towns high in either minority as being crime-ridden. Now, remember: both towns have an almost identical Christian population, yet their crime figures are night and day in comparison. Therefore, the only determining factor in the large difference in crime between the two towns is in racial demographics.
Other comparisons could be made between Portland, OR, and Atlanta, GA, where violent crime is over two-and-a-half times higher in Atlanta than in Portland. Never mind that Atlanta, lying in the deep South, has nearly half of its citizens claiming to be Christian, while Portland is considered 7% or less Christian and has more new-age hippies amongst their ranks than Christians. Yet, when retirees consider a place to get away from the hassles of their town, they frequently choose Portland, the third safest big city in the U.S.,19 over Atlanta, which just ranked as the secondmost dangerous big city in the U.S.20
Comparisons could also be made of other large cities like Tulsa, OK, to New Orleans, LA, or of Spokane, WA, to Montgomery, AL, or of Des Moines, IA, to Shreveport, LA; the list is endless and has the same results every time. A white atheist city will always prove to be a safer place, with higher property values and a cleaner community, than the black Christian city. Despite this obvious fact, alienists are still quick to point a hateful finger and cry “racist “when a Kinist speaks this truth. These facts, however, speak for themselves, as does the truth that most alienists and PC liberals choose to live in shielded white communities, as far from crime-ridden black communities as possible. Yet they have the gall to criticize Kinists for pointing out what they actively practice.
A Simple Solution
Regardless of the facts, alienists and their politically correct liberal friends will continue to assert absurd propositions about how cities high in black populations can be made better by enacting legislation to bring about change. They will rally behind every tax increase that will funnel more money into the crime-ridden projects, earmarked for property improvements and community development. Increasing food stamp and housing allowances is another cause they will support, thinking that throwing money at a problem will make it better. Yet, while these and dozens of other solutions that strain tax-payers have proven ineffective, they will continue dreaming up man-made quick fixes that fail miserably to deter crime, slow drug use, lower teen pregnancy, or decrease poverty in any black city. These problematic solutions must stop before they continue the trend of worsening the problem.
The only real solution is to properly evangelize black communities with the Reformed and Protestant faith, teaching black believers how to synthesize what they read in the Bible and apply it to how they live their lives. In doing this, leaders amongst their people should be trained to understand the systematic approach to theology and eventually begin teaching their own people how to properly train their children, urging them to avoid the sins rampant in their race. If this practice were started and supported for the course of a generation, we would notice a change. We would see a noticeable rise in black men who desire to hold a job and raise a family. Young black girls would long to preserve their innocence, saving themselves for their future husbands. Black boys would have no desire to live the gang life, but rather would seek to educate themselves for the betterment of their race. This would be the start of a biblically based Kinist black community, which would be the greatest achievement ever in black history.
For white communities, we must undertake the same approach, teaching our youngsters the faith of their fathers, sans the Talmudic garbage that has been allowed to take root in many churches. Once we accomplish this, getting them to stop throwing money at failing social programs and puppet states would be an easy step. They would shed the white cloak of guilt they have donned and begin rebuilding their depleted numbers, not ashamed of the accomplishments God has allowed their race to achieve. We would stand up as a people to foreign invaders, we would evict the usurers from our society, and we would again have a goal for the future of our race. It is going to be a tough road, but the rewards for our race outweigh the many snares and pitfalls that stand in our way. May God grant us wisdom for this arduous road, as we rise up and fight for our existence.
- http://www.barna.org/faith-spirituality/435-diversity-of-faith-in-various-us-cities ↩
- http://www.city-data.com/city/Shreveport-Louisiana.html ↩
- Shreveport has a population of 199,242, of which 56.39% claim to adhere to a religion. Of this number, 79.1% are members of a Protestant church and attend regularly. The math is as follows: 56.39% of the population is 112,352 people, and 79.1% of that is 88,870 people, for a grand total of 44.6%. ↩
- www.uscensus.gov ↩
- http://www.fbi.gov/about-us/cjis/ucr/ucr ↩
- http://www.isp.idaho.gov/sor_id/SOR ↩
- http://www.missingkids.com/en_US/documents/sex-offender-map.pdf ↩
- http://www.city-data.com/crime/crime-Riverdale-Georgia.html ↩
- http://services.georgia.gov/gbi/gbisor/ControllerServlet?cmmd=search&searchType=all&fname=&lname=&streetname=&city=riverdale&zip=&county=&gender=A&incarc=A&x=0&y=0 ↩
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Riverdale,_Georgia ↩
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hayden,_Id ↩
- http://www.city-data.com/city/Hayden-Idaho.html ↩
- http://www.city-data.com/city/Riverdale-Georgia.html ↩
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_United_States_cities_by_population ↩
- http://www.fbi.gov/about-us/cjis/ucr/crime-in-the-u.s/2010/crime-in-the-u.s.-2010/tables/10tbl05.xls ↩
- http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/10/05/most-dangerous-cities-in-america_n_996639.html ↩
- http://www.courierpostonline.com/apps/pbcs.dll/artikkel?NoCache=1&Dato=20091124&Kategori=NEWS01&Lopenr=911240338&Ref=AR ↩
- http://yubanet.com/usa/Camden-N-J-Has-the-Highest-Crime-Rate-Ranking-in-Annual-Publication.php#.Tut7zfJ_nrw ↩
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portland,_Oregon ↩
- http://www.usnews.com/news/articles/2011/02/16/the-11-most-dangerous-cities ↩
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