I went to high school in a semi-small town that is known for having one of the highest number of Puerto Ricans among cities in the United States. The southern part of town was dominated by this race of people. It was a high-crime area, and continues to be so today, only magnified many times worse. The western part of town was dominated by blacks, but not your typical, old-fashioned blacks — rather, the kind you see on MTV in rap videos from the 1990s. Mini versions of Dr. Dre, Snoop Dogg, and his homies were among those I had the “privilege” to go to school with. I grew up on the eastern side of town, primarily dominated by lower- to middle-class white folks. This was obviously the safest part of the city by a landslide, although it is not as safe now as it once was.
Growing up in the city I did, the white boy was the minority, particularly in school. To fit in, or to not be harassed, you had to either bow down to the non-whites, or at least semi-pretend to be like them, if not totally try to imitate their ungodly culture. Despite not giving in as much as the other whites, I earned a little bit of respect because of my abilities in sports, particularly basketball. They called me “Larry Bird” because of being white and being a good shooter and overall player. But my biggest mistake (in these years of ungodliness and unbelief) was giving in to the white guilt that my mother instilled in my mind growing up.
By the time I was ready to graduate, I had earned a four-year scholarship to the local community college because of my very good grades throughout high school. Anyone who was not white, however, was automatically awarded the “Minority Scholarship.” This scholarship was a full four-year scholarship, and on top of that, free books (something not awarded to me). And what was done to achieve this scholarship? You just had to not be a white person. Black, Hispanic, Asian, or Indian? Anything else? Automatic full-ride scholarship.
But you know, we white people have oppressed these minorities for years, and all the evils of the world are because of white people, so of course it is just and good. Anyone who opposes this must just be a racist. At least, this is what they taught me online at the University of Phoenix in my mandatory diversity class, a couple of years ago.
A good turning point in my life was a speech I heard a young white man give in class at the community college eleven years ago. His speech was about “reverse racism.” He spoke about “affirmative action” and many other issues of discrimination white people faced then (and continue to face today, only worse). My mind was trained to be instantly opposed to what he was saying, but the skeptic in me was stirred up because of his courage, which I am forever grateful for.
I work as an outsourced service representative for a regional utility company. We had a very hot day in our service territory this week in early June. We were in the lower to mid-nineties one day. As early as 6:00 a.m. on this day, multiple power outages started to occur in one particular city. By 9 a.m., a very large portion (the most black-populated area, and hence the most welfare-populated area) of this service territory was in excessive-outage declaration. Outages were so bad that people would not have power restored until the early hours of the next day. It was no fluke. The following day there were more outages due to “heat,” even though the high temperature was only about 80 degrees that day. Earlier in the week, there were severe winds and thunderstorms that brought down trees and power lines everywhere. But on this day, no such thing happened. “Excessive heat” was the culprit. However, one has to wonder if so many outages would have occurred if a great portion of the service territory had no cares or worries about how low they set their thermostats.
Why don’t people in this particular city have to worry about the temperatures of their thermostats? Think about it. You have a program in Ohio called “PIPP Plus” for “low income customers” in which you pay either 6% of your monthly gross income, or 10% if you are one of the few with all-electric homes. For customers, this yields bills ranging from $10.00 and upwards. Among the participating customers, the most common amounts I see do not go much higher than $80.00; those are extremely rare. An $80.00 set amount is equivalent to only $16,000 a year gross income. That’s it. So you can get the idea: most of the people on this program are said to make very little money. And the majority of these people are black. The bulk of the accounts I view are $40.00 a month ($8,000 gross income) and lower. A single welfare mother reports making “zero income” because she does not work at all, thus qualifying her for the lowest amount, which is $10.00 a month.
So you have an ample population of folks who are paying between ten to forty dollars a month for electric, all year round. And they have no worries about how much electric they are really using, because they are going to pay the same amount of money for electric no matter what their lifestyle is.
Most of these same homes are black single-mother homes where the mother stays at home and does not go out at all. They have the air conditioner running 24/7 because she never leaves home. And if she does leave home, there is usually a bunch of her relatives and/or friends staying there who likely don’t work either. I know this by experience at work. (It is unbelievable the kind of information you can learn working for a public utility. I could write a multiple-page article about all the fraud and deception these folks use on a daily basis to avoid paying bills by switching names on bills, pretending one person is moving out and another person is moving in.)
In previous years, the low-income programs were designed to only pay the “percentage of income” amount during the six “winter months” of the year. In the “summer months” they were to pay their regular electric bill. You would think these people would watch what they are using so they don’t get behind on their bills and get their electric shut off. Perhaps they did a little bit. But more often than not, they would not be able to pay their bill, because they cannot afford a regular electric bill. So they would just not pay, or pay very little. Did they get shut off for not paying their bill? Sometimes, but very rarely. No, the people who were shut off more than anyone were the folks who were one month behind on their payments, struggling, but making faithful payments as they could, almost monthly. They hardly caught any break. These people appeared to be the first targets to get shut off.
When I receive a phone call from a person who just had their power shut off, it is usually one of the aforementioned hard-working people. They either make too much money for assistance programs, or they hold to their God-given pride that they were to not rely on welfare programs to get them through life. They believe they should take responsibility for what they consume. Sadly, I often had to bear the bad news that there are no arrangements for them. “We need all the money now to restore your power, sir.”
Those who don’t pay their bill are hardly ever shut off. It would be “racist” if the majority of people being shut off were blacks who didn’t pay their bill. Imagine the lawsuits and news coverage that would get a large Fortune 500 electric company, from folks like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. And if for any reason these “privileged” people did get their power shut off (which was very rare), well, they have their “summer crisis” programs to fall back on, in which the State would pay to get them restored. Either this or they would use a “medical excuse” from their doctor to force the power back on. In the black community, just about every home (with a family whose power gets shut off) has a child with asthma. At least, that is how it appears to be from experience. Whenever one of them has their power shut off, they will immediately use a medical excuse in probably 90 % of the instances I run across at work. They continue to not pay their bill until the winter season came along, in which there are numerous programs and utility commission regulations that keep their power going and even pay off their bill completely.
Perhaps the most unfortunate thing of all in these situations is the fact that a great number of hard-working white people see through it all, yet (likely) for fear of being labeled as a “racist,” refuse to speak out. I did have the blessing to be on the other end of the conversation with a few of the rare whites who, out of their tremendous frustration, vented about how they were working as hard as they could, but got one month behind, and now we (the electric company) are breathing down their necks, ready to shut them off. Their frustration capped off by mentioning the thousands of welfare people who don’t pay their bills for months, yet continue to receive power. I personally have seen accounts in which no payment was received for one to two years without any consequence. A vain disconnection warning appeared on their bills monthly, yet the scheduled disconnections “fell through the cracks” mysteriously — or so our company has led us to believe. These things are seen and known, yet people are silent out of fear. It seems that not a soul has the courage to publicly speak out against this total corruption and injustice.
The above experience I’ve had over the past several years is truly the tip of the iceberg for situations in reverse discrimination and the evils of welfare programs, with the black community leeching off other people-groups, and the apathy of the white race displayed as they continue to permit these things like cowards. I’m sure many of you could share your own stories one hundredfold of what I’ve covered here. I am still yet a young man.
My personal desire is to see God’s distinguished races once again separate and living among their kin. We already have a very good idea of what kinds of societies are produced by different people-groups. Those who have embraced Christianity to its fullest have seen the greatest blessings. White European culture is the best and most obvious demonstration. And those who have embraced paganism have seen their utter ruin and lack of progress in examples such as Africa.
Black people are not being helped by being part of white society, where they are supported by white man’s ungodly welfare programs. The majority of them are utterly dependent on the State, and in many ways, just as enslaved as they were in the early days of America. And this enslavement is entirely worse, because, instead of having a Christian master who cared about their welfare, their new master is an impersonal uncaring government. Perhaps with the experience blacks have had in their years in America, seeing how white culture works, they can aid their own. Perhaps by putting them out on their own they will be able to succeed in a few generations and turn things around for their people. But they will never get close to this far until we put them in a position where they will suffer highly negative consequences unless they man-up to their responsibilities. And that will require courage from people of all races, in the face of all sorts of evil peoples and organizations.
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